
Ruffled Feathers Hard Truths

About the Author

Butterfly Ingelozi® is an Illinois born native of the United States. A military veteran and college-educated, she lives her life through her experiences. Extremely analytical, she focuses solely on the purpose of every situation and every individual. Growing up in a close-knit family, Butterfly learned the value of character, integrity, loyalty and love (the action word). Writing came as second-nature to Ms. Ingelozi, though not her passion. She began writing as a means to disseminate information throughout her mother’s extended illness. Writing then became therapeutic, allowing her to express her innermost thoughts, inadvertently revealing a uniquely spiritual and sensitive side, full of inspiration and encouragement, with an uncanny ability to uplift and educate.

She writes from her heart and, unknowingly, finds a way to touch others through her words. A kindred spirit; kind, caring, giving, loving and trusting. But, don't be fooled, Butterfly Ingelozi® speaks her truth and aims from the hip. A gentle person, Butterfly sails into your heart, melodically and humbly, with her truth and wisdom.

About the Book

What began as a means to disseminate information to close friends and family, all at once, became a legacy and a testament to an undying and unselfish love for family and life. This story is multi-layered. If you read and embrace it with an open mind, you will be amazed at what you take away. This story is about all of us, because each of us will pass through this storm some day (if you haven't already).

This is a story of two people saving each other’s lives, fighting through some of the toughest battles and winning many of them. One was left to pull together, what they thought were the broken pieces of their life, while growing in understanding and acceptance. The war, it’s ongoing. It is our story. "If I hadn’t lived it, I would have thought it was fiction."

This book is for all of us. "Had I known to expect the unexpected many years ago, I wouldn’t have been so desperate, stressed, under duress or surprised. Had so many things not been family secrets in too many households for far too long, we all could have long ago helped each other with our experiences. Had I had access to the forthright experiences of others, I could have been better prepared to stage wars." And certainly, this book would not have ever been relative. Although we all aren’t the same, nor will our experiences necessarily mimic one another’s, it is important that we share information and efforts when we encounter trials and endure tribulations in life.

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