
Apples & Oranges

About the Author

Author D. Elaine Fields is a member of Richmond, VA's thriving creative community.

About the Book

Lashonda Price is young, beautiful, and successful and Robert White can’t wait to wrap himself in her honey brown skin. At first a thirteen year age difference and the hassles of negotiating race give them pause, but it isn’t long before the long simmering heat between them ignites a passionate fire that threatens to consume them both. Can their love survive the objections of friends, family, and community in the same old South? Join the RVA characters you love for another tale of love in the River City.

The Choice Series-Weighted Letters.

About the Author

Bio-Born in Birmingham, Al, Audrey always exhibited a love for words. After writing her first book, The Definition of Sexy, Audrey took a leave from the writing scene until 2014. She released book one of The Choice Series-Weighted Letters.

About the Book

It is two short stories that follows the lives of Cheryl and Keith (The Promise) and Austyn and Kayla (The Bridge). With a mix of poetic scenes that shine a light on the love shared by Cheryl and Keith to a promise made as children warranting to be fulfilled before Keith dies. In the story the bridge- Austyn saw Kayla time and time again during his daily run. After being convinced by his best friend Mike, he asked her out and a fire was ignited between the two. That was not the only fire burning in Austyn’s life.

From My Mind To Your Eyes

About the Author

Yulonda enjoys writing poetry, children's short stories, & realistic fiction. Besides being a self-published author Yulonda is an encouragement speaker. Yulonda currently resides in southern California with her family.

About the Book

Come take a ride with Yulonda Madden through pieces of her mind to tour her inner thoughts of sensuality, injustice, love, spirituality, & humor. All viewed through poetry.