About the author
Suzanne E. Uzzell 37yrs old Native New Yorker attended Herbert H. Lehman College and graduated with a B.A. in 2001. Suzanne is also an Ordained Evangelist began preaching at age 26 in New York and continues to preach the Gospel she also sang in choirs and lead on praise & worship teams at various churches.
Suzanne is the Author of a new book Words 2 Ignite the Soul & first book written book Chosen Words self published on lulu.com. She hopes to inspire and captivate her audience. Suzanne is grateful and thanks God for allowing her to complete this endeavor.
Suzanne is also an Entreprenuer who enjoys creating gifts and things she would love to continue creating more business opportunities in the near future.
She is married to Husband Ssgt Jahi J. Uzzell who serves in the United States Air Force. She is an Air force Spouse who currently resides in Brunssum Netherlands . She relocates every 3 to 4 years and enjoys living in new places.

About the book
Words 2 Ignite the Soul is written for Woman and young ladies who desire encouragement and seeks to draw closer to God.This book inspires every woman to be the Godly Queen God designed them to be.
The Heart of a Godly Queen Pg 35 Words 2 Ignite the Soul
The heart of a Godly Lady is dear it holds the love that many need to receive. When a lady loves she releases healing to those around her. She is able to share her gift of love, compassion, patience and care for those who are willing to receive from her.
She is a nurturer and her words are soft and comforting to her family, friends and those around her. The strangers she encounters from day to day seems receptive to her posture of kindness and beauty after indulging in conversation.
The Heart of a Godly Lady reaches out to her community and helps those in need. She reaches out to the abused and suffering throughout the land. She loves through adversity and shows herself friendly. She walks by faith and leads by example serving with integrity.
Godly Queens strive for Excellence in Character and in Heart.
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