About the Author
Linda Carter, a born again, ex-lesbian, She spent 15 years of her life living as a Lesbian. In 1995, God saved and delivered her from lesbianism. Today, she is a born again woman of God, mother and author. My desire is to see all who are bound by homosexuality and lesbianism set free. She has a heart, for those who are bound by homosexuality and lesbianism. Her favorite scripture is Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me".
Linda Carter’s mission is to see God save and deliver, those who are bound by their sexual identity and share my personal testimony on how God supernaturally delivered me from Lesbianism. To educate Pastors, Youths and all those who are willing to listen.
Linda Carter, God has blessed her to share her testimony by way of TV, Conferences, Churches, Blog talk radio, Charisma magazine and She Blog’s for Christian Post. Member and Team Leader for Overcomers Network. She is a member of Goodwill Church Ministries International, where Apostle Jeffery & Prophetess Sandra Thrash is her Pastor.
Linda Carter is the author of “A New Life: Delivered from Lesbianism” a book that takes us on her personal story and journey through lesbianism and how God freed her from bondage. Her summations to the word of God and her story makes great for comprehension and understanding.
About the Book
Linda Carter is a living example of the mercy, grace and power of God. having lived as a lesbian for 15 years, she was saved and set free by Jesus Christ at age 33. She is no longer gay, has no desire to return to her former life, and offers that when an authentic Christian conversion take place, a gay person will completely renounce that lifestyle. Delve into first hand account regarding one of life's most controversial subject matters, and find out how her choice to serve God dramatically transformed her life.
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