The Choice Series-Weighted Letters.

About the Author

Bio-Born in Birmingham, Al, Audrey always exhibited a love for words. After writing her first book, The Definition of Sexy, Audrey took a leave from the writing scene until 2014. She released book one of The Choice Series-Weighted Letters.

About the Book

It is two short stories that follows the lives of Cheryl and Keith (The Promise) and Austyn and Kayla (The Bridge). With a mix of poetic scenes that shine a light on the love shared by Cheryl and Keith to a promise made as children warranting to be fulfilled before Keith dies. In the story the bridge- Austyn saw Kayla time and time again during his daily run. After being convinced by his best friend Mike, he asked her out and a fire was ignited between the two. That was not the only fire burning in Austyn’s life.

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