Soul on Fire

About the Author

Before Soul on Fire, Banks shared her works with the world through free-lance writings. She is a native of Arkansas who now calls Atlanta, GA her home. Banks enjoys reading, writing, and traveling. Banks uses her writing as a platform to encourage her readers to explore taboo subjects and engage in dialogue to find solutions. She is a self-motivated woman and knows the world is waiting for her greatness. “The only limits are the ones I place upon myself; I don’t have any.”

About the Book

Dana Taylor is 29, a beautiful, well- educated, rising star in corporate Atlanta. Dana lives life on her own terms, no matter the cost. She can have any man she wants, and often finds herself in the throes of one unhealthy relationship after another. Not until she has retreated into the emotional shelter of various “unavailable” men, ruined a marriage, and jeopardized a friendship does she look inward to find the source of her self-destructive behavior. To reclaim herself and find redemption, she must unlock the demons of her past and confront those that stole her innocence. Soul on Fire chronicles one woman’s journey for inner peace and happiness; neither of which comes without a price.

More about Skyy Banks:
Book info:
ISBN: 978-0981532653

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