Jaden Toussaint, the Greatest Episode 1: The Quest for Screen Time

About the Author

Marti Dumas is a mother, teacher, and author from New Orleans. She is a contributing writer on education and parenting for Think504.com and other publications. An expert in childhood literacy, Marti has worked with children and teachers for the last 15 years to promote an early love of reading. Her debut book, Jala and the Wolves, recently made the top of Amazon.com’s bestseller list for children’s fantasy. Her second book, Jaden Toussaint, the Greatest Episode 1 was labeled a Hot New Release on Amazon and is available in stores and online.

About the Books

Jaden Toussaint, the Greatest Episode 1: The Quest for Screen Time
Giant Afro. Even Bigger Brain.

Jaden Toussaint is a five year-old who knows it all. I mean, really knows it all. Animal Scientist. Great Debater. Master of the art of ninja dancing. There’s nothing Jaden Toussaint can’t do. The only problem is that grown-ups keep trying to convince him that, even though he’s really smart, he doesn't know EVERYTHING. The thing is…he kind of does.

This time our hero must use all his super-powered brain power to convince the grown-ups that he needs more screen time.

Jala and the Wolves

When a magic mirror appears in Jala’s room, she’s mysteriously transported to the world of wolves — and discovers that she’s become a wolf herself! Can she help her pack survive? And will she ever get back to her human family again?

More about Marti Dumas:


About the Author

Uloma Chinwe Iro is the Vision Coordinator of DOMINION FORCE OUTREACH MINISTRY. She is passionate about three things: issues that affect the welfare of women, youth and life transforming literature.

She had an encounter with the Lord in 1991 and has been involved in active christian ministry ranging from ministry in the campuses, ministry to young people and literature. Uloma has served in various leadership positions in the body of Christ - from pastor, youth leader, counselor, personal assistant and more. She has travelled to many countries on speaking engagements, such as Ghana, South Africa, Kenya and within Nigeria. Uloma is the author of a number of books - Price in the hand of a fool, Alabaster Box Generation, Protocol for the gates, DNA of an outstanding youth, Breadcrumbs for breakfast, I dare you to dream, SELAH a collection of poems and Tomorrow.

She believes her tongue is the pen of a ready writer.

About the Book

ALABASTER BOX GENERATION shares on the imperative of living a life of fulfilment; engaging one's full potentials and applying oneself to tilling one's field or peculiar assignment. It encourages the reader to strike until the strike until the iron becomes hot. the book is a timely piece especially for readers interested in leaving their footprints on the sands of time.

June Peters, You Will Change The World One Day

About the Author

Lithonia, Georgia, September 18, 2015 — Alika was born in Richmond, California and currently resides in Lithonia, Georgia at the age of 32 she knew it was time to focus on her dream to become a children’s book author. Her amazing son Makaio gave her so much inspiration during and after her writing process. Aside from being a new author Alika works full time for the Department of Juvenile Justice, she is also in school part-time at Westwood College.

When she started developing June’s character, she thought a lot about the person she is now and the child she wanted to be. She considers herself one who helps people with no expectations. “Helping people brings me so much joy and makes me feel good about myself and my role here on earth. -Alika

Alika is always looking for a new and creative way to give back to her community. June is the exact same way just younger. She has a soft heart and cannot help herself when she sees someone in need. Within this series, readers will have access to audio books, eBooks and paperback books. Readers who are a part of the June Peters email list will receive special information about each book in the series before published. They will also receive details on promotional giveaways and much more.

Email List link:


About the Book

The June Peters book series, aims to encourage young children by teaching them the value of
giving back to others. Through this series, children will learn that at any age they can make a
difference in the world. It also shows parents the many ways of supporting your child’s dream
and building character at the same time.

What makes June so special? Her ability as a young child to put her needs and wants aside to
help others. Alika wanted to make June realistic to young children. There is no reason why a child who wants to make a positive impact in the world, cannot due to the lack of resources or support. June has so much support from her family, which plays a tremendous part in any child’s life and helps them to stay encouraged.

For additional information, please visit our website at www.ARTBooks4Kids.org

Herstorys: Her history told through the eyes of her true self.

About the Author:

I was born and raised in Newark, NJ. I hopped from projects to projects and bounced from my father’s house to my mothers. My mother made it her business to keep me in performance arts (although she had me at the age of 14) and I believe to this day, the arts saved my life. I am a survivor of molestation/rape, teenage pregnancy, drugs, gangs, violence and a list of other travesties.

At 24 years old, after finding out my mother was on drugs, realizing my father would never be consistent in my life and accepting the fact that I was now a single parent; I opened up a 501c3 non-profit organization, named Sacrit Devahood Incorporation. SDI, started in the middle of my living room with one young girl and it has now grown and expanded to Kampala, Uganda. Sacrit Devahood Incorporation empowers young girls ages 11-19 through performing arts, social building skills and international connections.

Six years into trials, tribulations, speeches, traveling and personal overcoming: I decided to finally take the time to truly ‘know thyself’. I noticed that I was setting expectations for my young girls (organization and daughters), but barely setting any for myself. I felt it was time to truly love me. Loving me included: loving what I hated about myself and loving the person within me that I was hiding from. By beginning this process, I eventually began to love the ones that hurt me.

March 10, 2015, “Herstorys- Her history told through the eyes of her true self” was self-published. This book took 2 weeks of my time during my fasting period and self-actualization. I learned in order to be truthful with others; I had to become truthful with self. In this book, I’ve written biographical poems, short stories and confessions to begin my new, true and happier life. With anything that I do, I am always looking at how this benefits others and I wanted this book to help my sisters/brothers as well.

I’ve noticed the lack of camaraderie in the female community, for years. I made a vow to begin what I call, “Universal Sisterhood” by using “Herstorys” as a vessel. In addition; I wanted to build relationships with the souls that placed their inquisitive hands on this book. This sisterhood is the made up of ALL women, no matter the race, ethnicity, creed or disability.

We all have a story…and our stories will help other sisters to grow, which will build, “Herstorys”.

This is my story
This is your story
This is our story
And our stories are Herstorys

About the Book

We all speak on the lack of camaraderie within the female community, yet something keeps us from building such a powerful movement. This book is your gateway to make that happen! This is our beginning to #Universal Sisterhood... In this book there is an interactive dialogue between the writer and the reader. On each page you'll find an expressive story, a confession, or a poem about the writer's life. Each entry will evoke an emotion from the reader. During these interactions, the reader becomes the writer in her/his own right. This is her story This is your story This is our story And our stories are Herstory's.

More about Nyeesha D. Williams:

The Town Dance

About the Author

Nikki Skies is an accomplished poet, author, and playwright living in Atlanta, GA. Skies is the author of the short story book, “Mississippi Window Cracks” and the published collection of poetry and prose, “Pocket Honey, Wind & Hips”. A firm believer in the power of education, Skies studied for her BA and MFA in Theatre and Screenplay Writing and uses her art as a teaching tool to encourage an interest in literacy. “The Town Dance” is the dramatic debut novel from Skies.

About the Book

Lorna Simon has plans to diminish her resume of safe journalism and be known for reporting trendsetting stories. Certain that she can persevere her impressive family lineage within her carefree lifestyle as a social butterfly, this notion is put under fire after a night of partying thrusts Lorna into being a newsmaker instead of a news writer. Lorna alleges she has become the victim of a sexual assault crime committed against her by a woman, Trista, who is a promising event planner and an associate of Lorna’s mother.

Paralyzed with the humiliation of having to publically defend her sexuality as a heterosexual, Lorna must decide to believe in her bouts of memory loss and forego the incident or rekindle her passion for journalism to protect her livelihood and uphold the integrity of her family.

More about Nikki Skies: 

Talking about The Sisterhood interview by Keisha Howard, founder of Sugargamers.

The SISTERHOOD by Nichol Bradford

Nichol Bradford is an extraordinary human being. If you haven’t yet heard of her, get ready, because here at Sugar Gamers, we will be speaking to her a lot! We’ve even made her an honorary member. Nichol is not only the author ofThe Sisterhood, but has had a career in gaming that has spanned over a decade. She is also an entrepreneur and currently CEO of Willow Group, a company that is using transformative technology to elevate the psychological wellbeing for the masses.

Let’s start our conversation with The Sisterhood!

The Sisterhood is a tale about a highly impressive and successful female run organization that has grand ambitions to change the world. While working toward that end, they are have to contend with enemies that seek their demise while coming up with solutions for the devastation caused by the very addictive drug, Cocanol. To do this, nine leaders of the organization must use all of their respective resources and talents to not only survive, but succeed in their objectives.

Reading The Sisterhood I was entertained, motivated, inspired, and felt renewed in my creativity toward how to accomplish my goals. But more than that- I started to really appreciate my “Sisterhood” that are part of Sugar Gamers and in my life as a whole. I couldn’t wait to tell them about the book. Beyond the amazing story, the action, the espionage, the battle of wits, and the interesting romantic developments between the characters- there are several reasons this book is compelling.

1. Women, particularly women of color get to save the world!

2. The women of The Sisterhood are not only highly intelligent, but excel in business, tech, science and engineering

3. These female characters are strong, but also human and experience a variety of emotions making them very relatable.

4. The Sisterhoods motivations are always rooted in freedom and empowerment

5. The book is effectively written with the underlying goal to give the reader a blue print for a positive life-action plan

6. The book is a fictional account of an incredible philosophy

These are just some of the reasons I had to learn more about author Nichol Bradford.

Nichol Bradford attending the Collision Conference 2015

Looking at her from across the table, I am already beaming with a sense of pride. Since Sugar Gamer’s creation six years ago, I’ve met many amazingly talented women, however, I never actually met a woman of color that has held an executive level position in the gaming industry. Hearing about the exceptional challenges of being a woman and a minority in this field, I was almost expecting to detect a cynical tone when speaking with her. Contrary to my expectation, Nichol’s eyes sparkle with enthusiasm, warmth, and passion as she tells me about every project she’s ever put her energies into. She’s an individual who’s actions come from the heart. Which is why her book The Sisterhood has in some ways changed my life.

K: Tell us about the sisterhood. What inspired you to write it?

N: The Sisterhood is the literary version of what I’m doing now. In the sense that I’m very interested in freedom. Mental freedom. “None but ourselves could free our minds” right? Freedom is a tough word to use because people bring a lot different connotations to it, but for me, it’s freedom to choose. The Sisterhood is very much about a group of women who endeavor to become mentally free and to free every woman, child, and community member. They can touch lives by providing the tools and spaces to think for yourself.

K: What experiences from your life that motivated you to turn this book from an idea to a reality?

N: I was Miss Black Houston and don’t remember what year it was, I think there were dinosaurs you know! But the reason why I was Miss Black Houston is that I was entering my fifth year of college which took me five years to complete because I was working at various jobs the whole time. I didn’t want to rely on my parents and was financially emancipated at seventeen. So, I was in a situation where I was about to start my fifth year of school, my scholarships had finished and I didn’t have any money. I was walking in the mall I worked at and a woman came up to me and she said “Hey would you like to enter a beauty pageant?” In my head I was like “Are you out of your mind”! Really, beauty pageants had never ever appealed to me EVER! But then she said there’s a scholarship. This is what completely changed my decision.

My first beauty pageant was very much like the story Stone Soup. The fable where you know the whole town puts in something and they end up making soup. This is exactly what the mall I worked at did. The salon did my hair, makeup and nails. Another store in the mall let me borrow a dress and so on and so forth. Without their help, I wouldn’t have had a chance at winning the pageant.

K: With everything you’ve done with your life, I can’t believe you had the time to add beauty pageant winner to your list!

It had never ever crossed my mind to do something like that. It was not in my D.N.A. I come from a very long line of very hard core women. But, I felt that as long as I have this tiara. I might as well make it mean something. So I started volunteering and doing workshops with girls and young women about how to be successful.

I was giving my standard workshop. And this is the one that really struck me. There were seventeen or eighteen high school seniors standing in a circle at one point in the workshop. I would talk to them, give advice, then we would do different exercises. The last exercise I had them do was take turns focusing on one girl and each person would tell this girl directly and honestly, “You’re smart. You’re beautiful and you can have anything that you want.”

It was so powerful . The low number of people who could handle that….without crying was incredible. I think no one in the group truly, truly believed these things about themselves.
It was tearful. And I knew the work wasn’t done. I had the realization that I haven’t even really helped these girls. You can’t change someone’s life in a moment. I mean you can sometimes but it takes more. I’m gone and they’re back to their lives. So I began thinking of ways if how I could have a have a LASTING impact.

The SISTERHOOD Sugar Gamers Cosplay

We will continue discussing the “Sisterhood” and how you can become a part of it! We are in love with this book and what it means for us! We were even inspired to do our own cosplay campaign which you will be seeing more of soon! In the mean time, to learn more about Nichol Bradford and The Sisterhood please visit the links below! We would love for you to join the conversation.
More about The Sisterhood:

Enter the Moon and Howl at the Moon by Jennifer Fisch- Ferguson

About the Author

Jennifer Fisch- Ferguson has been writing and publishing fantasy stories since 2003. Publishing credits include short fiction, writing contests and novels.

She attended the Eastern Michigan University and graduated with a B.A in African American History and promptly went to work with AmeriCorps on a literary initiative. She went to the University of Michigan and got her Master’s degree in Public Administration in 2008 and while she finished writing her thesis, also got a Masters in English – Composition and Rhetoric in 2009. She recently is working on her PhD at Michigan State University in the field of Writing and Rhetoric. She has been teaching collegiate and community writing classes since 2003 and loves the variety and inspiration her students bring.

She currently is finishing her trilogy and dutiful writes on her blog space about her journey. She is excitedly expanding her ever developing world and looks forward to the new adventures waiting to be written.

About the Books

Book 1:Enter the Moon

Enter a world where chance encounter changes a woman’s chosen path.

Enter a world where, in the dark of Central Park, a hidden society fights to exist.

Enter the Moon where Her fluctuating phases irrevocably intertwine two lives.

With wealth, beauty, and a voice like liquid gold, life was right on track for Kama DeKosse; then she met Jack and, for once, decided to toss caution to the wind and see where it would take her. The world of romance gave her new encounters and the chance to flirt with the mysterious.

Jack Twist enjoyed his orderly life of power and control. Being pursued was an intriguing challenge and, following instinct, he enjoyed the chase. In a twist he would have never expected, Jack found an amazing passion that ran wild and crazy as Kama brought something new to his life, something that neither of them knew how to control. Unable to resist the attraction, he joined the game as Kama turned his world upside down and made his inner wolf howl with desire, consequences be damned.

Kama can’t deny the overwhelming pull towards Jack, even when she is forced to make a choice that could cost all her hopes and everything she has ever worked for. And just when she thinks it can’t get any worse, life takes her up on the challenge. Kama learns a secret that not only threatens her family and Jack, but also her very life.

Book 2:Howl at the Moon

Kama DeKosse thought the most exciting thing about her senior year would be a solo recital at Julliard. That was before she found out her werewolf lineage and was forced to take a Rite of passage to stay with her pack in Central Park. Kama began to feel the constraints of trying to simultaneously live in both the human and Loup worlds. In the human world, she was still a child with little choice. In the Loup, she became an adult, and with that title, the expectations to fully participate as a member of the pack.

Jack Twist reveled in the success that allowed Kama to stay with him. Just when he relaxed, his Park was attacked and he was forced to take a Spirit Quest that tested him and subjected him to pain he thought left behind. He is forced to make decisions that might save his pack but would mean leaving the woman he loves.

Kama traveled to learn about her heritage from the family she had never known existed. This only caused more tension with a Pack who questioned her loyalty and with her loved ones who don’t understand all that being Loup entails. Only the threat of war called her back and she prepared to go into a battle, uncertain if this was a fight she could win.

More about Jennifer Fisch-Ferguson:

Two books: Cold Serial and Cold Crazy by Barbara Grovner

About the Author

I love a good mystery! Writing, as well as reading stories with intriguing and interesting plots are my favorite things to do. The thing about a good mystery is that they're entertaing and they feed the senses in a huge way...at least for me, anyway. I get so wrapped up in a good mystery, spending an entire night absorbing and devouring every word is a pretty regular thing in my world.

The best mysteries get my blood coursing through my veins at a high speed while my heart rate struggles to calm itself. I guess I'm a mystery junkie. lol! The part that really gets me going is the mind of the killers in these stories and how in the world do they have whatever it takes to kill another human being! Gives me the willies just thinking about it! But it's very interesting as well. Can you imagine having a mind full of swirling thoughts ending the life of another? Whew! Before you begin thinking I'm capable of murder, let me say this:

"I write murder mysteries, not because I enjoy the act of killing, but because I'm fascinated by the audacity of it". ~ Me

About the Books


She noticed the thousand-dollar suit, the diamond Rolex and the BMW almost immediately, and decided she must have him; after all, she's a diva and deserves nothing but the best. Harold Masterson smiled, but only because he anticipates what will come later. He knows she'll be impressed when he tells her he owns Masterson's Gems in downtown Boston and when she gets an eye-full of his two million-dollar condo on Beacon Hill, she'll immediately begin working on a plan that will get her a spot in his bed. She has no idea what he's really after.

He is sick to death of women who think of themselves as divas. They have no idea what it means to be a true diva, nor do they have what it takes, with their knock-off shoes and purses, believing the world can't tell the difference. Well, he can tell the difference from across the street! He's tired of the pushy attitudes and the demanding tones in their voices. They remind him of his mother; she'd treated his father like a servant, always insisting he treat her as if she was some sort of royalty. All Harold wants from that type of woman is to seduce her, use her body, and then strangle her to death.

Women are coming up missing in Boston, Massachusetts and the families of the victims are demanding answers. Lead detective, Craig Barnes is convinced this has the smell of a serial killer’s work and he is determined to apprehend him. After losing his wife to the hands of a serial killer that had stalked the streets of Boston many years ago, the case has him rattled and stressed. With Raayna by his side, keeping him grounded, he finally stumbles on information from a homeless man who tells him what he saw in the park on a dark, rainy night.


COLD CRAZY is a story of love and loyalty and about the times in life when the bond of friendship can overstep its bounds. It’s about a group of friends that push their long-lasting relationships to the limit. Unexpected and startling affairs ignite, and friends and lovers become suspects in a senseless, premeditated murder. Boston’s trendy South End is the backdrop for this sexy tale, where the drama rises to a suspenseful climax, and souls are bared for the world to see.

Kara and Makai were truly happily married, at least for the first couple of years before Makai begins thinking he can’t possibly get all he needs from just one woman. Kara had heard about his indiscretions from her younger sister Raayna, but it wasn’t until she found evidence of his cheating (on her own) that she realized Raayna had been right all along. Kara finally confronts him and kicks him out of their home, and then the unexpected occurs.

Kara is found dead from two bullets to the head, in the parking garage at the Boston Hospital where she worked as an oncology nurse, and things immediately begin to heat up. When police begin digging around, searching for a cold-blooded murderer, truths unfold and secrets come tumbling out. Lives begin to unravel, revealing jealousy and raw rage, and most disturbingly, pure insanity at its most dangerously evil depth rears its ugly head and somehow, someway, justice must be served.

More about Barbara Grovner:

Darkest Europe and Africa's Nightmare

About the author

Akinyi Princess of K'Orinda-Yimbo was born on the shores of Lake Victoria in Kisumu, the capital city of Luoland, Kenya; at a very young age (when she was too small to say "sod off!" as she puts it), she was sent to private school in Yorkshire, England. She is a graduate journalist of the Nairobi and the London Schools of Journalism as well as an economics graduate of the London School of Economics (1981-1987).

She moved to Bavaria, Germany, where she studied Germanistics and Germanspecific economics (1993 to 1997). She has been writing as a freelance journalist since 1980, serving as a columnist with various dailies and monthly magazines in Africa and Europe. She gives lectures and seminars in various German universities, colleges and high schools on topics ranging from socio-economy in Africa, Business English, Intercultural Communication, African literature and the socio-ethnological conflicts in the traditions of Africans and Europeans in particular, and the West in general.

In 2012, she got her Doctor of Philosophy In Sociology and Geo-Politics from the Heidelberg University.

She was the CEO of her companies Eur-AfrAsia Association for Quality Management & Intercultural Communications Training, and PAKY Investment Holdings Ltd. She gave up both posts in order to devote her time to her passion: writing. She is now only Chairman on the Board of Directors. She has written and published articles, papers, and a novel in German: Khiras Traum, and five novels,Bound to Tradition: The Dream; Bound to Tradition: The Initiation; Bound to Tradition: The Separation; Secret Shades Book 1: Aroused; Secret Shades Book 2: Revealed.. Her nonfiction book Darkest Europe and Africa's Nightmare: A crtical Observation of Neighboring Continents was published in 2008 by a New York publisher. She is also a columnist with The African Times (Times Media, Berlin).

In 2010 her short story, The Proposal, won the Cook Communications first prize. In 2012 she won the Karl Ziegler Prize for her commitment to bring African culture to the Western society in various papers, theses and lectures. In 2012 her book was nominated for the 2012 Caine Prize, and in 2013 she was shortlisted for the Commonwealth Writers Prize. In addition she won the Achievers Award for African Writer of The Year 2013 in the Netherlands.

In 2014 she started the publishing company, AuthorMePro Press, to assist aspiring writers - especially from the developing world - to get published.

She speaks seven languages, is married to a German politician of aristocratic descent, has a son, two grandsons, and lives in Bavaria. They also have homes in France, Cyprus and Greece.

About the book

A Critical Observation of Neighboring Continents

If the United States is based on the principle that all men are created equal, why, the author asks, does the West treat Africa and Africans differently? Just what kind of democracy is being exported, when only the West's interests are served? In an incisive view of the relationship between Africa and the West, a London-educated Kenyan princess suggests that the aid machinery hurts Africa more than it assists. Westerners (and successful Africans alike) perpetuate the negative image of Africa to assuage their consciences as they continue to rip off a rich continent, while deploring the poverty they themselves help to keep in place.

Probing the human causes of Africa's continuing travails, the author examines the result of official policies that were sold to the public as "aid programs," while poking fun at Western hypocrisy and greed, and African vanity and passivity, as well. Western citizenry have been schooled to think that their countries are wealthy because they are smarter or work harder - a belief fostered to support hegemonic delusions. Just as artificial, she argues, is the notion that Africa's alleged poverty and the West's staggering economic and military might could be related to skin color or the scientifically preposterous notion of "race." The truth, the author maintains, is that they are rich because they have robbed and still rob their wealth from the rest of the world, creating "poor countries" precisely where the greatest natural wealth is found. American and European corporations, and now Chinese as well, whisk away Africa's resources to enrich their own economies and peoples.

The author looks at contemporary political, humanitarian and economic trends, assessing the World Bank, WTO, G8 and the IMF to be the long arms of the world oligarchies, primarily the USA. She considers NGOs a menace to Africa while serving as a job-creation blessing to the rich nations. She suggests the aid industry does more harm than good, dissuading Africans from defending their turf while foreign corporations scoop up all the resources. At the same time, the author equally reprimands not only the predator politicians and elite of the African continent but all Africans for their passive resignation to a fate they can change through affirmative actions.
More about Akinyi Princess of K'Orinda-Yimbo:

Apples & Oranges

About the Author

Author D. Elaine Fields is a member of Richmond, VA's thriving creative community.

About the Book

Lashonda Price is young, beautiful, and successful and Robert White can’t wait to wrap himself in her honey brown skin. At first a thirteen year age difference and the hassles of negotiating race give them pause, but it isn’t long before the long simmering heat between them ignites a passionate fire that threatens to consume them both. Can their love survive the objections of friends, family, and community in the same old South? Join the RVA characters you love for another tale of love in the River City.

The Choice Series-Weighted Letters.

About the Author

Bio-Born in Birmingham, Al, Audrey always exhibited a love for words. After writing her first book, The Definition of Sexy, Audrey took a leave from the writing scene until 2014. She released book one of The Choice Series-Weighted Letters.

About the Book

It is two short stories that follows the lives of Cheryl and Keith (The Promise) and Austyn and Kayla (The Bridge). With a mix of poetic scenes that shine a light on the love shared by Cheryl and Keith to a promise made as children warranting to be fulfilled before Keith dies. In the story the bridge- Austyn saw Kayla time and time again during his daily run. After being convinced by his best friend Mike, he asked her out and a fire was ignited between the two. That was not the only fire burning in Austyn’s life.

From My Mind To Your Eyes

About the Author

Yulonda enjoys writing poetry, children's short stories, & realistic fiction. Besides being a self-published author Yulonda is an encouragement speaker. Yulonda currently resides in southern California with her family.

About the Book

Come take a ride with Yulonda Madden through pieces of her mind to tour her inner thoughts of sensuality, injustice, love, spirituality, & humor. All viewed through poetry.

For the Love of Black Men

About the Author

Ayin M. Adams, PhD. Msc.D., is a native New Yorker. She is also an International Metaphysician, spiritual director, and intuitive therapist. Adams is a holistic teacher of self-development and consciousness. Adams utilizes her gift of words to heal, educate, and entertain. Adams is the author of more than eight books. Adams has been published by “Women in the Moon” publishing, Bum Rush the Page, In the Family, and Quiet Mountain Essays.

Adams is the 2015 Beverly Hills Book Awards Finalist for her book, African Americans in Hawai`i: A Search for Identity, the 2015 Bronze Medal Illumination Book Award winner, 1998 winner of the Pat Parker Poetry Award, the 1999 Audre Lorde Memorial Prose Prize, the 2001 President’s Award for Literary Excellence, and the Zora Neal Hurston/Richard Wright Award. Adams documents our passage in time using her writings and tonality of voice to help one break out of the current constraints and fragmentation of daily and habitual life. She assists and facilitates individuals to co-create their futures, especially as many of the established structures of society may be falling apart.

Adams lives with the intention of suiting up, showing up, and following through. Adams embraces a firm belief that everything is in Divine Order. Ayin M. Adams organizes and leads spiritual retreats geared towards the transformational transcendence of mind, body, and soul. She makes her home in Maui. You may visit her at www.ayinadams.com.

About the Book

For the Love of Black Men is a triumph…filled with power, with poems reflecting the rich traditions and complexity of today’s black society. For the Love of Black Men is a thought-provoking, hard-hitting book of poetry that offers renderings of past and present indignities, self-introspection, spiritual commitment, forgiveness and the necessity of solutions. It probes areas that are not openly discussed.

More than just a book of poetry For the Love of Black Men addresses issues credibly, compassionately, and directly, with a minimum of soft edges. For the Love of Black Men transports the reader on a personal and private tour into a realm where some Black men have had to wrestle and confront their own challenging questions concerning their wholeness. Many of the concerns these men have had to face may be similar to all men. However, because of the legacy of slavery, their obstacles are more.

The wholeness that is being sought is always present, even in the most desolate of times. Trusting one’s inner source sometimes gives clarification to dilemmas that appear inconceivable. Many times silence or solitude are means by which answers are revealed. The fast-paced survival atmosphere in which most black men live does not provide such opportunities. In communities where there is a predominance of black men, the constant din of helicopters, fire-engines, sirens and other disturbances does not grant much contemplative time. For the Love of Black Men offers hope and the possibility of alternate choices.

Ayin Adams’ poetry addresses the Black Man from a potpourri of issues. A gentle and compassionate rumination shared in the loving description of The Eyes of Father while the contrast of Sometimes I feel like a Fatherless Son and the brutally truthful concerns addressed in Hostage or Husband offer objective assessments.

In more recent times, approximately fifty plus reported cases of unarmed black men have been murdered by policemen which is a continuation of the 1857 original statement concerning Dred Scott had no rights to sue, because the white man said that the black man has, “No rights which the white man was bound to respect.” Eric Garner, Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin were some of the victims who have given their lives…is an unsolicited martyrdom the ultimate reward for a Black Man, the final recognition that one never could have achieved on minimum wage or selling individual cigarettes with a second-class citizen mentality? The answers are always within, and the way in which we confront them will determine our happiness or unhappiness.

For the Love of Black Men awakens us to a black man’s world in today’s American Society with searing poems that stretch from the street to the healing power of family and love. From the chilling immediacy of I Can’t Breathe (for Eric Garner) to the horrific truth of Unarmed, Adams tells apocalyptic moments in the Black community. Adams also encompasses the love, compassion and humor that connects the black man to the black community and to the world. Fortunately for all of us, Adams verses actually become a legitimate shelf reference of America’s shameful history of the slayings of unarmed black men.

For the Love of Black Men exposes readers to an expansive reassessment of some of the issues that have prevailed since slavery which have produced myriads of confusion. Ayin Adams permits readers, participants, victims and those who have a genuine desire to rectify the problems, the hope that the offerings she has presented will illicit questions and perhaps provide some solutions. Poetry reaching universal experience is fundamental to understanding human life and Ayin Adams connects the individual and the larger society. This book must be in everyone’s library. Contact: ayinadams@ayinadams.com
Releasing: April 11, 2015

Ruffled Feathers Hard Truths

About the Author

Butterfly Ingelozi® is an Illinois born native of the United States. A military veteran and college-educated, she lives her life through her experiences. Extremely analytical, she focuses solely on the purpose of every situation and every individual. Growing up in a close-knit family, Butterfly learned the value of character, integrity, loyalty and love (the action word). Writing came as second-nature to Ms. Ingelozi, though not her passion. She began writing as a means to disseminate information throughout her mother’s extended illness. Writing then became therapeutic, allowing her to express her innermost thoughts, inadvertently revealing a uniquely spiritual and sensitive side, full of inspiration and encouragement, with an uncanny ability to uplift and educate.

She writes from her heart and, unknowingly, finds a way to touch others through her words. A kindred spirit; kind, caring, giving, loving and trusting. But, don't be fooled, Butterfly Ingelozi® speaks her truth and aims from the hip. A gentle person, Butterfly sails into your heart, melodically and humbly, with her truth and wisdom.

About the Book

What began as a means to disseminate information to close friends and family, all at once, became a legacy and a testament to an undying and unselfish love for family and life. This story is multi-layered. If you read and embrace it with an open mind, you will be amazed at what you take away. This story is about all of us, because each of us will pass through this storm some day (if you haven't already).

This is a story of two people saving each other’s lives, fighting through some of the toughest battles and winning many of them. One was left to pull together, what they thought were the broken pieces of their life, while growing in understanding and acceptance. The war, it’s ongoing. It is our story. "If I hadn’t lived it, I would have thought it was fiction."

This book is for all of us. "Had I known to expect the unexpected many years ago, I wouldn’t have been so desperate, stressed, under duress or surprised. Had so many things not been family secrets in too many households for far too long, we all could have long ago helped each other with our experiences. Had I had access to the forthright experiences of others, I could have been better prepared to stage wars." And certainly, this book would not have ever been relative. Although we all aren’t the same, nor will our experiences necessarily mimic one another’s, it is important that we share information and efforts when we encounter trials and endure tribulations in life.

More about the book:

Love and Lies in the River City


About the Author

Author D. Elaine Fields is a member of Richmond, VA's thriving creative community.

About the Book

Having fallen for the propaganda hook, line, and sinker Dawn Roberson is sure that she'll never find a husband; after all young, professional African American females never do. She's so eager for the man of her dreams in fact that when handsome successful Lawrence Moses crosses her path she's more than willing to overlook a fatal flaw - he's married. Convinced that Lawrence has already decided to divorce his wife Dawn dives head first into a love affair that she's sure will deliver her happily ever after. Her choice throws the lives of others into flux as Lawrence's unsuspecting wife discovers that her husband has moved on without her. The former Mrs. Moses finds herself suddenly free of the bonds of an unhappy marriage and hotly pursued by her first love - the man who's never forgiven himself for letting her get away.

Karma: A book of short poems

About the Author

My name is Reese and I'm a local Philly author. I started writing poetry at a young age, but for the most part kept my talent a secret. I'm a domestic violence survivor and was blessed enough to make it out of that relationship in 2009. I finally decided to published a poem book in 2013 after seeing a sign that read: "If God gives you a talent you need to use it".

About the Book

Karma consist of 25 short poems which are based on different life experiences that I have been through. Since the poems describe real emotions, and real situations readers are more likely to relate to what they are reading.

Book information:

The Mistreatment of Zora Langston

About the Author

Lisa W. Tetting is the author of the novel, The Mistreatment of Zora Langston, and creator of Rebirthoflisa, her personal blog. She is a former call center supervisor, who, after much thought and angst, decided to change her life by living her dream. She grew up in a small town in North Carolina and loves that she is a Southern Girl. She has been happily married to her wonderful husband for a little over 14 years, and they currently reside in Tampa, Florida.

About the Book

Zora Langston is nine years old when her father dies, leaving her in the hands of a mother who is anything but loving and siblings who never considered her family. Without her father, she is truly alone. Before the dirt has even settled on his grave, there’s a new man of the house, and he has no interest in being Zora’s father.

Despite her hardships, Zora remains true and allows faith to help free her from this new, horrible life she’s found herself in. She finds solace in her aunt and uncle and, for the first time, starts to discover what it’s like to have a real family. However, just when she thinks she has escaped her tormentors, new abusers emerge, old ones return from hiding and she must find the strength to survive.

More about Lisa W. Tetting

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Bound to Tradition Book 1:The Dream, 2:The Initiation and 3:The Separation


About the Author

A P Von K'Ory, the pen name of Akinyi Princess of K’Orinda-Yimbo, is the winner of six Awards from four continents, the last one being the Achievers Award for African Writer Of The Year 2013 in the Netherlands. The Selmere Integration Prize was awarded her in 2014 for her engagement in helping African Women in the Diaspora cope with a variety of domestic and social problems. The Proposal, her short story, won the Cook Communications first prize in 2010, and is published in an American collections of anthology Africa 2012. In 2012 she won the Karl Ziegler Prize for her commitment to bring African culture to the Western society in various papers, theses and lectures. Again in 2012 her book was nominated for the 2012 Caine Prize by the Author-me Group, Sanford, and in 2013 she was shortlisted for the Commonwealth Writers Prize.

She studied Economics, Literature and Journalism in London; Germanistics and German-specific Economics and Socio-Philosophy in Germany. Her most recent personal achievement is her Ph.D. in Sociology and Geo-Politics in Germany, making her total number of doctorates rise to five - she regards knowledge as a lifelong quest of learning something new.

Apart from her numerous and published articles, theses and papers, her first novel in German: Khiras Traum was published in 2004. There followed eight romance novels: the award winning trilogy Bound to Tradition Book 1 The Dream; Bound to Tradition Book 2 The Initiation; and Bound to Tradition Book 3 The Separation. Secret Shades Book 1: Aroused; Secret Shades Book 2: Revealed; Dark Desires Obsession’s First Lap; Dark Desires Obsession’s Second Lap; Dark Desires 1: Obsession which is the first two Dark Desires books combined in a single book. Golden Shana Book 1: The The Chase is coming out in spring 2015. Her nonfiction book Darkest Europe and Africa's Nightmare: A Critical Observation of Neighboring Continents was published in New York.

She lives in Germany, France, Cyprus and Greece with her husband, son and two grandsons.


About the Book

Bound to Tradition Book 1: The Dream

What do you do when the man you love with a searing passion is determined to be your father? You cling to The Dream.

Khira is an enigma; born to African traditionalist and conservative family but schooled by Europeans she is prim and proper, proud, graceful, and dignified with a hint of wildness. She is also beautiful, mysterious, and has this paradoxical sexual appeal. But she is also young, and in need of guidance.Twenty-four years her senior, Erik is determined to be the one that mentors her. His first line of business is to continue her education abroad, but Khira has other plans.

Erik awakens the woman in Khira and she clings to The Dream of making him hers. Consumed by desire and craving to be possessed by him, she embarks on a relentless quest to seduce him.

Erik is intrigued by her, but will he succumb to the sizzling temptations of an ardent 16-year-old seductress in a land where she is of legal age? Or will Erik’s good intentions prevail?


Bound to Tradition Book 2: The Initiation

Every human spirituality is composed of rituals, rites of passages, & sacred ceremonies. Having been born into a traditionalist and conservative family in Luoland Kenya, Khira is determined to share this with her daughter Loyana—even if it is against her husband’s expressed wishes. Loyana is of the age to go through the Initiation, one of Luoland’s more important Rites of Passage, and she is as eager as her mother to see it through. So they lie and have the Initiation performed in Luoland. A day later, during a weekend safari trip in the remote and breath-taking Tsavo National Park, the ladies of the Lindquist family are still determined to keep their secret although Loyana falls seriously sick as a result of the Initiation she underwent. Loyana unfortunately reacts badly to the traditional herbs used during the Initiation and becomes deathly ill, her mother Khira shouldering overwhelming guilt for inadvertently poisoning her beloved child. When her husband Erik learns of the betrayal he is overcome with grief and rage, and another unfortunate and tragic event leads to Khira lying next to her daughter in a coma. Desperate to save his wife and daughter Erik is willing to do whatever it takes to get them the medical help they need—but in the remote stretches of Tsavo, that means dangerous dealings and bribery. Will help arrive in time for mother and daughter? Or will the Initiation be the beginning of the end?

“This is not only exotic, culturally stimulating and not run-of-the-mill Harlequin, it’s an intercultural study. The book is for the discerning and culturally savvy Africanists. Ever heard of A Many Splendoured Thing? Well this is the African version of that.” Karen Ammond, Elite Professionals Magazine


Bound to Tradition Book 3: The Separation

The coma patient screamed her inaudible words: Who am I? Who is this man crying over me in my bed? Answer me! Why can’t you hear me?

So begins the final book in the Bound to Tradition trilogy, which continues the story of the Lindqvist family. Khira and Loyana have been brought to a private clinic in Glion-sur-Montreaux Switzerland to recover from vastly different ailments. Loyana was inadvertently poisoned during a Luoland female coming-of-age ceremony arranged for her by her mother Khira. Upon discovering his wife's deceitful hand in his beloved daughter's illness, Erik lashed out at Khira, leaving her in a coma. Although both are slowly recovering, it will be an exceptionally hard road back to her life and her beloved family for Khira.

Erik has no idea how to cope with anything other than his business empire where he is supremely confident in his competence and controls everything with iron-clad leadership – the very qualities he sorely lacks when it comes to taking care of his children and their comatose mother. He handles this double tragedy in the only way he can, leaving Khira and his children in the capable hands of his parents and Khira’s girlhood friend Joyce, while he returns to Nairobi to bury himself back in his business dealings where he is most comfortable. But instead of business as usual, new trouble strikes, forcing him back to Europe to deal with them personally.

More aboutA P Von K'Ory

Visit her at http://akinyi-princess.de

Kindel – Dream http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00BJKFYF6#reader_B00BJKFYF6
US Paperback - http://www.amazon.com/Bound-To-Tradition-The-Initiation/dp/1481927507

UK http://www.amazon.co.uk/Bound-To-Tradition-The-Initiation/dp/1481927507
US Paperback - http://www.amazon.com/Bound-To-Tradition-The-Initiation/dp/1481927507

UK http://www.amazon.co.uk/Bound-To-Tradition-The-Initiation/dp/1481927507

Kindle – Initiation http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00CS5AOOC

http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00E0INE5G Separation paperback
http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00E0INE5G Separation Kindle

UK: http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1481919636

Black children in care: Health, Hair and Skin

About the authors

Denise Lewis [Social Worker] and Flora Awolaja [Teacher], are two professional women,qualified in the field of Social Care and Education. As a qualified Social Worker and Teacher,we have 20 years of varied knowledge and experience between us, of working with Children and Families in Local Authorities in and around England. During our educational development,we have been able to develop a critical perspective on good Child-Care practice, and have become independent inquirers; our ethos has always been Child-Centred and Child Focused. We aim to Empower, Educate, and Inspire Black/Mixed Heritage children to create a positive environment in regards to their Health, Hair, and Skin Care.

Our project is set up to work in a multi-agency framework, engaging with Local Authorities, and other agencies such as Action for Children, The Children Society, and Fostering and Adoption agencies.

About the book

Black Children in Care book’:

We have designed and written a 70 page book titled ‘Black Children in Care: Health, Hair and Skin’ designed to address the lack of information that persists with the care of Black children in Cross Cultural Fostering and Adoption placements: The book as a resource is:
• Empowering, Innovative & Child Centred,
• User friendly, Colourful, Fun and Informative
• It has positive images of Black children.

The book allows us to give Social Workers, and other social care agencies, such as Local Government, Action for Children, Barnados, NSPCC, and Foster Carers and Adopters of Black children, the information that they may need about, the care of Black Hair, Health and skin whilst the children
are in care.

Our research has shown that there is limited information around the Health, Hair and Skin care of Black and Mixed Heritage children in care. The purpose of the book is to provide child focussed book on how to care for Black and Mixed Heritage children’s Health, hair and skin whilst in care. The number of black children/people who will benefit from this project will possibly number several hundred, their ages range from birth to 18 years.

Foster carers and Adopters will also benefit from this book, and all carers who will care for Black and Mixed heritage. It would serve as a means of empowering foster carers/ adopters to be proactive in the welfare of the Hair and Skin of Black and Mixed heritage children.

In terms of their needs ‘Hair is critical to a strong sense of racial identity for Black Children’ as well as understand the cultural aspects and gain knowledge of the importance of grooming, moisturising, and caring for black hair.
Our book will be of use to schools, and voluntary organisations, in providing cultural information on the welfare of Black and Mixed Heritage children in relation to their, Health, Hair, and Skin care.

The book of Ruth

About the Author

Ruth Dickson is an Author, Publisher and Singer.
Becoming a Christian is the best thing that ever happened to her. She did not grow up in a Christian household and can be described as one saved by complete Grace.

She has authored several books on varied topics ranging from Deception to Humility. Her books are also published in many languages, making her books available to a wider audience.

Ruth loves children and she also enjoys writing colourful illustrated children's books. Ruth also owns her own publishing company and occasionally gives out books that can be downloaded directly from her company website.

About the Book

The Book Of Ruth is a book that hosts an incredible story. There are so many valuable lessons in it that every human being on earth can glean from. Life has its ups and downs and the way we respond to them can make or break us. The main character in the story had to make a choice. Only God could have given her the power to embark on an incredible journey.

Pure grace enabled her to leave behind all she was accustomed to, her pagan beliefs and her family. She took a journey into the unknown and her story of unshakable faith is documented in this book. The Book of Ruth has been described as a 'small gem' and 'masterpiece'.We have people to learn from who have visibly gone through every-day struggles and problems and have come through as pure gold. Her life has been beautifully recorded for the living today, we are to imitate her faith. 'Where You Go, I shall Go" - Ruth Boaz

Below are some links to the books she has on offer:
Ready downloadable book in English: http://www.gihonpublishing.com/in-english-2.html
Ready downloadable book in German: http://www.gihonpublishing.com/in-german.html
Ready downloadable book in Dutch http://www.gihonpublishing.com/in-dutch-1.html

Other languages available on her website include: French, Russian, Mandarin, and Filipino: www.gihonpublishing.com