About the author
A virtual media and web consultant by day and author by night, Carolyn Davenport-Moncel moved to Paris from Chicago, her hometown, in 2001. In Paris, she started the first English-speaking Virtual Assistance firm. Known for her online articles on media relations, Moncel owns MotionTemps, LLC (http://www.motiontemps.com/), a Digital Project and Web Content Management firm with offices in Chicago, Paris and Geneva; and its subsidiary, Mondavé Communications (http://www.mondaveinc.com/), a media relations training and publishing company. She has written, placed articles and been featured in such diverse publications as Entrepreneur.com, Expatica.com, Chicago Tribune, Forbes, Wired News, International Herald Tribune, Wall Street Journal, Working Mother, Bonjour Paris, and PrissyMag.com.
Author of Encounters in Paris – A Collection of Short Stories, Carolyn currently resides in Lausanne, Switzerland with her husband and two daughters. Her latest work is called 5 Reasons to Leave a Lover—A Novella and Other Short Stories. Her next collection of short stories, Encounters in Chicago – A Collection of Short Stories will debut in fall 2012.
About the book
In 5 Reasons to Leave a Lover, author Carolyn Moncel offers up a fresh batch of stories based on love and loss. As singer/songwriter, Paul Simon so eloquently suggested in a famous song from the 1970s, there are many ways to leave a lover. However, Moncel's characters demonstrate that the reasons for leaving in the first place are quite finite.
Encounters in Paris` Ellery and Julien Roulet return, picking up their lives after the short story, "Pandora`s Box Revisited." This time the Roulets are involved in a love triangle, and along with two other couples, must explore how love relationships are affected and splinter due to abuse, ambivalence, deception, cheating and death. This bittersweet collection of tales proves that some breakups are necessary; while others are voluntary; and still others are simply destined and beyond anyone's control.
More about the author
A place where you can find Black Female Writers from around the World. If you also want your book featured on this blog just send an e-mail with the following info: a picture of you and the book (cover)/ your biography/ /a short piece about the book To: database.xena@gmail.com
5 Reasons to Leave a Lover
Becoming: The Life and Musings Of A Girl Poet
About the author
Nadia Janice Brown is an American poet, freelance writer, and author of Becoming: The Life and Musings Of A Girl Poet and the award-winning book Unscrambled Eggs. Her poetry and articles have appeared in national and international magazines, and literary journals. She is also the founder of www.author-promotion.com/. Nadia can be reached through her web site at www.nadiajbrown.com/
About the book.
Becoming: The Life and Musings of a Girl Poet is an inspirational collection of poetry and articles. Becoming is a rousing composition of poems about utilizing your God-given talents and gifts in such a way that leads to a life of fulfillment.
The Fate of America in the Ninth Hour
About the author
Kimberly Jackson is a Christian author, writer, and teacher on a mission to spread the gospel of the kingdom through written and spoken word. She is known for her prophetic voice, timely, raw, and straight to the point messages visible in her creative works of poetry, devotionals, prophecy and inspirational books.
Shortly after renewing her vows back to God in 1995, the miracle of a hidden talent "the Writer's Pen" manifested in her life and is now blossoming and filling dark empty places with life changing kingdom sound messages of blessedness, salvation, healing, hope and deliverance. She studied theology at Life Christian University in Lithonia,
About the book
In the Fate of America, Kimberly Jackson reveals what's going on in the mind of God in the now 21st Century era of happenings concerning America and the Church. It addresses God's judgments upon a nation that continues to ignore Him and adopt heathen practices rooted from the ancient traditions of Babylon, Egypt, Rome, and Greece.
It exposes the deceptions of this country and the secrets of society hidden behind closed doors. What does God want from America? What does God want from the Church? What is the ninth hour and how does it effect America and the Church? What are a lot of things we see happening today actually leading up to?
Learn the answers to these questions and many more, as you read this astonishing book of revelation knowledge and truth from the Throne Room of God!
More about the author
Kimberly Jackson is a Christian author, writer, and teacher on a mission to spread the gospel of the kingdom through written and spoken word. She is known for her prophetic voice, timely, raw, and straight to the point messages visible in her creative works of poetry, devotionals, prophecy and inspirational books.
Shortly after renewing her vows back to God in 1995, the miracle of a hidden talent "the Writer's Pen" manifested in her life and is now blossoming and filling dark empty places with life changing kingdom sound messages of blessedness, salvation, healing, hope and deliverance. She studied theology at Life Christian University in Lithonia,
About the book
In the Fate of America, Kimberly Jackson reveals what's going on in the mind of God in the now 21st Century era of happenings concerning America and the Church. It addresses God's judgments upon a nation that continues to ignore Him and adopt heathen practices rooted from the ancient traditions of Babylon, Egypt, Rome, and Greece.
It exposes the deceptions of this country and the secrets of society hidden behind closed doors. What does God want from America? What does God want from the Church? What is the ninth hour and how does it effect America and the Church? What are a lot of things we see happening today actually leading up to?
Learn the answers to these questions and many more, as you read this astonishing book of revelation knowledge and truth from the Throne Room of God!
More about the author
Healing and Freedom Through These Sacred Tonemasters
About the author
Jacqueline Harris was born to Jasper and Diamond Harris and raised on the south side of Chicago. Jacqueline graduated from Chicago State University and participated in three sports during her tenure at CSU. She has always been a writer of stories, and an obsessive lover of music and reading. Jacqueline presently resides in Laurel, Maryland.
About the book
“This is a story of how I was just going through the motions when it came to my daily living here on this planet. I was really sleepwalking my way through life. I was not happy. I lived in fear and had low self-esteem sprinkled with bits of naivety and arrogance. I didn’t trust myself, or anyone else for that matter. I didn’t have complete trust in my Creator to do what was best for me. I was living my life in a self-imposed state of isolation and detachment from others. I didn’t know how to love myself, let alone allow anyone else to love me. My heart was shut down, and daydreaming and music stepped in and became a comforting reality for me.
However, every once in a while, I would peer deep within and see the real me – that person who possessed unlimited potential and a true zest for life. Yet, I had no idea how to tap into that part of myself and allow her to shine consistently.
Through my encounter with the Egyptian goddess Mother Athyr, also known as Mother Het-Heru and Mother Hathor, along with the Sacred Tonemasters that I was blessed to meet, I was able to slow down, listen, remember, and tap into that potential. Today, I know who my spiritual mother is and how she has impacted my life in ways I could never begin to imagine.
This journey helped me to re-learn how to love myself, free my mind, and love others. This journey taught me how to quell the desire of worldly things and Remember. You see, I was a forgetful being. I forgot who I was and why I was here. I forgot how to love myself and others. I forgot how to have faith. This journey helped me to Remember all of that. However, the most important part of this journey is I Remembered the only desire I should ever have in my life is to love serving the will of The Most High first and foremost.”
More about the author
About the author
Jacqueline Harris was born to Jasper and Diamond Harris and raised on the south side of Chicago. Jacqueline graduated from Chicago State University and participated in three sports during her tenure at CSU. She has always been a writer of stories, and an obsessive lover of music and reading. Jacqueline presently resides in Laurel, Maryland.
About the book
“This is a story of how I was just going through the motions when it came to my daily living here on this planet. I was really sleepwalking my way through life. I was not happy. I lived in fear and had low self-esteem sprinkled with bits of naivety and arrogance. I didn’t trust myself, or anyone else for that matter. I didn’t have complete trust in my Creator to do what was best for me. I was living my life in a self-imposed state of isolation and detachment from others. I didn’t know how to love myself, let alone allow anyone else to love me. My heart was shut down, and daydreaming and music stepped in and became a comforting reality for me.
However, every once in a while, I would peer deep within and see the real me – that person who possessed unlimited potential and a true zest for life. Yet, I had no idea how to tap into that part of myself and allow her to shine consistently.
Through my encounter with the Egyptian goddess Mother Athyr, also known as Mother Het-Heru and Mother Hathor, along with the Sacred Tonemasters that I was blessed to meet, I was able to slow down, listen, remember, and tap into that potential. Today, I know who my spiritual mother is and how she has impacted my life in ways I could never begin to imagine.
This journey helped me to re-learn how to love myself, free my mind, and love others. This journey taught me how to quell the desire of worldly things and Remember. You see, I was a forgetful being. I forgot who I was and why I was here. I forgot how to love myself and others. I forgot how to have faith. This journey helped me to Remember all of that. However, the most important part of this journey is I Remembered the only desire I should ever have in my life is to love serving the will of The Most High first and foremost.”
More about the author
Where My Birthmark Dances
About The Author
Giving a voice or adding a layer of complexity to individuals who are at their lowest points, when we, the public, meet them, is Octavia McBride-Ahebee’s muse. Her writing is very much informed by the years she lived in various parts of Africa. Her poetry, for the most part, gives voice to women who historically have not been heard: African women, women in refugee camps, women who are victims of civil war, isolated, rural women who battle such health challenges as obstetric fistula and breast cancer. More increasingly, her poetry addresses the environmental devastation created by corporate entities in the name of development.
McBride-Ahebee’s work has appeared in many journals and anthologies including Damazine; A Literary Journal of the Muslim World, Fingernails Across The Chalkboard: Poetry And Prose on HIV/AIDS From the Black Diaspora, Under Our Skin: Literature of Breast Cancer, Sea Breeze- A Journal of Contemporary Liberian Writing, The Journal of the National Medical Association, Art in Medicine Section and the Beloit Poetry Journal. Assuming Voices, a poetry collection, was published in 2003 by Lit Pot Press. Her newest collection of poetry, Where My Birthmark Dances, was published this summer- 2011- by Finishing Line Press.
About the book
Lillian Dunn, editor of Apiary Magazine, stated“The Ancient Romans used to call a person's creative spirit her "genius," and recognized the labor of setting it free as one of love and sacrifice. Octavia McBride-Ahebee's latest collection is just such a labor. Her poems depict human longing, love and dignity in the context of global inequality with fierce, uncompromising grace.
As her characters speak, she creates indelible sensory images of loveliness and affection, profound misery and anger, letting each co-exist on the page. The resulting complexity of tone makes space for nuanced and compelling human voices that might otherwise be categorized as "victims" or "villains" of oppression. It takes the full use of genius to notice and capture these contradictions, and a deep social conscience to care so passionately about writing them down. This collection is one of McBride-Ahebee's "bighearted magnolia trees," its trunk scarred by the fire of sacrifice, its blossoms and branches so beautiful you don't want to leave their shade.”
More about the author
About The Author
Giving a voice or adding a layer of complexity to individuals who are at their lowest points, when we, the public, meet them, is Octavia McBride-Ahebee’s muse. Her writing is very much informed by the years she lived in various parts of Africa. Her poetry, for the most part, gives voice to women who historically have not been heard: African women, women in refugee camps, women who are victims of civil war, isolated, rural women who battle such health challenges as obstetric fistula and breast cancer. More increasingly, her poetry addresses the environmental devastation created by corporate entities in the name of development.
McBride-Ahebee’s work has appeared in many journals and anthologies including Damazine; A Literary Journal of the Muslim World, Fingernails Across The Chalkboard: Poetry And Prose on HIV/AIDS From the Black Diaspora, Under Our Skin: Literature of Breast Cancer, Sea Breeze- A Journal of Contemporary Liberian Writing, The Journal of the National Medical Association, Art in Medicine Section and the Beloit Poetry Journal. Assuming Voices, a poetry collection, was published in 2003 by Lit Pot Press. Her newest collection of poetry, Where My Birthmark Dances, was published this summer- 2011- by Finishing Line Press.
About the book
Lillian Dunn, editor of Apiary Magazine, stated“The Ancient Romans used to call a person's creative spirit her "genius," and recognized the labor of setting it free as one of love and sacrifice. Octavia McBride-Ahebee's latest collection is just such a labor. Her poems depict human longing, love and dignity in the context of global inequality with fierce, uncompromising grace.
As her characters speak, she creates indelible sensory images of loveliness and affection, profound misery and anger, letting each co-exist on the page. The resulting complexity of tone makes space for nuanced and compelling human voices that might otherwise be categorized as "victims" or "villains" of oppression. It takes the full use of genius to notice and capture these contradictions, and a deep social conscience to care so passionately about writing them down. This collection is one of McBride-Ahebee's "bighearted magnolia trees," its trunk scarred by the fire of sacrifice, its blossoms and branches so beautiful you don't want to leave their shade.”
More about the author
Dreaming in Color
About the Author
Fiona Lewis is an award-winning novelist and author of “Bliss,” “Hungry For It,” “Every Dark Desire,” and “Dangerous Pleasures,” among other adult novels. Her stories have appeared in numerous anthologies, including “From Where We Sit: Black Writers Write Black Youth.”
Fiona Zedde Lewis moved to the U.S. from Jamaica as a sweet, yet misunderstood, preteen. After spending a few years in Tampa and getting her undergraduate degree in Gender Studies and British and American Literature at New College of Florida, she moved to Atlanta, Georgia. She currently lives in Tampa.
About the book
Jamaican-American writer Fiona Zedde Lewis has authored best-selling novels and collections of short stories for adults. “Dreaming in Color” marks her debut writing for young adults–and a compelling debut it is.
Carlene (Cee-Cee) has come to the U.S. from Jamaica to join her mother, who has been working for two years to bring her daughter to join her. But excited as Carlene is to be reunited with her beloved mother, she finds life in her new country daunting. She misses her island home and the father she left behind.
High school is a difficult territory to navigate for many teens–bullying, mean girls, jock/thug boys, and just the normal daily stresses of trying to succeed in classes can present awesome challenges. When a group of mean girls led by one of the most popular girls in the school targets Carlene, taunting her for her accent and her skin color, she turns to art as a refuge. Problems with her mother, who reveals a secret Cee-Cee is not prepared for, just adds to her feelings of isolation.
Then Carlene meets Greg, another teen from Jamaica. They bond over their shared feelings of dislocation and their inability to fit in. But a big party where the popular kids.
More about Fiona Zedde:
A Black Girls Guide to Dating White Men
About the book
This book is a guide to help Black women, young and old, maneuver through the dating process as it pertains to dating white men. It entails bits of history, stories, recipes and jokes. The Author urges black women to open their options and to give white men a try.
"I think many women limit themselves to dating only within their race. I believe we should be opened minded to all races. In dealing with white men, I've found my self thinking, either this guy isn't into black girls or he's assuming I don't have interest in white men. From reading Niki's book, I've realized sometimes its neither and just maybe we could all use a little help. I believe Niki's book delivers that help in a hilariously honest way"-Meagan Good (actress).
Real Talk Tips
About the Author
Cherise "Reese" Charleswell is eclectic. She is a dynamic writer, artist, bookworm, fashionista, penny-pincher, designer, music lover, sista-friend, and poet who has been described as the "Mad Scientist," due to her varied interests and passions.
She has been writing for as far back as she can remember, penning poems and essays since childhood. She began sharing her literary work as a spoken-word artist in Los Angeles, and also acted as the producer of PoetsJazzHouse in historic Leimert Park, California. Writing has been one of her greatest loves.
She is also the creator, designer, and President of the Eclectic Life accessories and jewelry line.
She is of West Indian descent, by way of Los Angeles, to Fort Lauderdale Florida, and back.
About the book
A non-traditional, sassy, and painfully honest self help guide and work book for the morally challenged and socially inept members of society. With TIPS on topics as various as: hygiene, physical appearance, communication, the workplace, and money management.
More about Cherise Reese Charleswell
About the Author
Cherise "Reese" Charleswell is eclectic. She is a dynamic writer, artist, bookworm, fashionista, penny-pincher, designer, music lover, sista-friend, and poet who has been described as the "Mad Scientist," due to her varied interests and passions.
She has been writing for as far back as she can remember, penning poems and essays since childhood. She began sharing her literary work as a spoken-word artist in Los Angeles, and also acted as the producer of PoetsJazzHouse in historic Leimert Park, California. Writing has been one of her greatest loves.
She is also the creator, designer, and President of the Eclectic Life accessories and jewelry line.
She is of West Indian descent, by way of Los Angeles, to Fort Lauderdale Florida, and back.
About the book
A non-traditional, sassy, and painfully honest self help guide and work book for the morally challenged and socially inept members of society. With TIPS on topics as various as: hygiene, physical appearance, communication, the workplace, and money management.
More about Cherise Reese Charleswell
About the Author
Married at sixteen, a mother twice by seventeen, and thrice a mother and divorced by twenty-four, Adrienne Thompson is no stranger to adversity. Not your typical teenage mother, she went on to complete her college degree and to earn her nursing license. She attributes God's faithfulness as the catalyst for her success in life. Now, having raised two children as a divorced mother, with a third fast approaching adulthood, she is sharing a long hidden talent and passion with the world. Using the lessons that life has so expertly taught her as a guideline (betrayal, abusive relationships, self-esteem issues, witnessing the deteriorating effects of drug abuse), she has created a novel that will both entertain and inspire the reader. Bluesday is a satisfying mixture of inspiration and drama that will not leave you disappointed.
Adrienne currently resides in Arkansas with her daughter and moonlights as a Registered Nurse.
About the book
Bluesday is an inspirational romance novel which chronicles the trials and triumphs of a young blues singer. Bobbie Brooks is living the life she's always dreamed of. A life full of music, success, and love. Or so it seems. Suddenly, her perfect world shatters, leaving her alone, broken, and penniless. In order to heal, Bobbie must confront the demons of both her past and present. Will she be strong enough to move into her future and make a new start with an old flame?
More about Adrienne Thompson:
The Black West
About the author
Throughout her years as a historical researcher and author, Gwandine has found a niche for writing historical inspirational stories depicting cowboys, Indians, Vikings, pirates, kings, highlanders, swashbucklers, and valiant knights of African descent. She also writes Black cowboy poetry. Her former professors complimented her creative writing skills.
She refers to herself as Gwandine Black Cherokee Cowgirl due to her ancestry. Her novels are published through Gwandine Black Cherokee Cowgirl Studios. She writes movie scripts, professionally narrates audio books from her novels, and edits with her husband's magazine titled The Preacher.
Gwandine is the co-pastor and co-founder of Whole Faith Ministries, Inc. (Wholefaith.org) and the wife of the senior pastor, Jeffrey Maximillian Thurmond a/k/a The Preacher. She delivers sermons and conducts worship services. She also writes biblical teachings under the ministerial Bible College titled Whole Faith International Bible College (WFIBC).
Her passion and persistence in creative writing and classical literature stems from childhood when she preferred to write stories as opposed to playing. She has published inspirational Black western romance and adventure novels, faith-based intrigue, and inspirational poetry. The following titles are her works of literature: Beauford Place, A Love Worth Finding, The Ethiopian Princess and the Cameroon Knight, Mystery in Manalapan, Jade Qi in Angel Eyes, and Poetic Peace. Other works consist of her graphic novels: Atura the Anointed and Jade Qi graphic novels, which feature her comic book characters, illustration, inking, and dialogue skills. She occasionally does some animation. She created Xerzinia, a lovely African-American cut-out collectible figure complete with accessories and apparel designed by Gwandine.
Her initial work was published during grade school.With her background in communications, she has written press releases, news advisories, public service announcements, proclamations, and articles for magazines. She also produced over 50 spiritual television and radio broadcasts as a certified video producer and editor. She presently produces and edits broadcasts via Whole Faith International Bible Channel (W.F.I.B.C.) titled The Preacher.
Although her stories and characters are fictional, African-American cowboys have existed since the dawn of the cowboy era as well as the historical accounts of the vital role that African-American Buffalo Soldiers played in the settlement of the southwest. She is the creator of the African-American cowboy and cowgirl graphic novel (comic book) titled The Black West featuring The Black Indian.
Upon learning that African-American cowboys existed after her initial shock, she became enthusiastic concerning writing Black western stories. It all began with Gwandine desiring to become traditionally published through one of the leading romance novel publishers. She desired to write historical novels and they had it set-up so that she could only submit manuscripts via their African-American section as opposed to their Inspirational Historical section.
Her initial thoughts were, if she wrote about African-Americans historically, she would have to write about slavery. After conducting extensive research, she realized African-Americans made numerous achievements after being emancipated and all-Black western towns actually existed historically. She learned that there were wealthy African-Americans. Although she has enjoyed watching westerns through the years, they lacked the significant presence of African-American cowboys and the vital roles that they played.
After learning the above-referenced and more, she now writes not only romance novels, but western adventure novels. Gwandine also writes contemporary mysteries and suspense as short stories involving her character amateur sleuths: Edgar Byrd Mysteries, Jade Qi Mysteries, Miss Tillie Tipton Tea Cozy Mysteries, Max Golden, and Maxi*Millian Mysteries.
Gwandine served in the U.S. Navy as an Airman and was the first female assigned to an all-male squadron (Patrol Squadron 47) in 1983 and was soon transferred to Patrol Squadron 19 after the U.S. Navy realized that she is a female albeit she clearly indicated that she was female on all of her enlistment documents.
Gwandine is an accomplished artist as she enjoys painting on canvas and digitally to design her book covers. She is also an accomplished figurative sculptress whose work has appeared in several international magazines. She has donated artwork to the National Afro-American Museum and Cultural Center.
About the book
First book of The Black West Adventure, Mystery, and Romance Series
Travel back in time in a fictional place known as Tradassa Town situated in the south during the year 1881 where two people unbeknownst of one another become acquainted under unexpected circumstances. After the death of Mary Ellen’s father Benjamin, she meets Nathan Jonah Hickey who is the hired ranchman of her father’s estate and an attractive singing cowboy known for his genteel mannerism.
Nathan’s love for Mary Ellen Beauford begins the day they meet upon her return to Beauford Place. Being an accomplished woman of color from a wealthy family and a recent college graduate, the austere Mary Ellen tries to show resilience to Nathan’s feelings. This is partially due to the fact that her only example of a good man was her late father who was a successful businessman.
Behind Nathan’s smooth dark complexion and deep brown eyes lies a terrible secret known only by him. If he shares his secret with her, will she be able to handle it? Will it destroy him?
Visit TheBlackWest.com or TheBlackCherokee.com.
About the author
Throughout her years as a historical researcher and author, Gwandine has found a niche for writing historical inspirational stories depicting cowboys, Indians, Vikings, pirates, kings, highlanders, swashbucklers, and valiant knights of African descent. She also writes Black cowboy poetry. Her former professors complimented her creative writing skills.
She refers to herself as Gwandine Black Cherokee Cowgirl due to her ancestry. Her novels are published through Gwandine Black Cherokee Cowgirl Studios. She writes movie scripts, professionally narrates audio books from her novels, and edits with her husband's magazine titled The Preacher.
Gwandine is the co-pastor and co-founder of Whole Faith Ministries, Inc. (Wholefaith.org) and the wife of the senior pastor, Jeffrey Maximillian Thurmond a/k/a The Preacher. She delivers sermons and conducts worship services. She also writes biblical teachings under the ministerial Bible College titled Whole Faith International Bible College (WFIBC).
Her passion and persistence in creative writing and classical literature stems from childhood when she preferred to write stories as opposed to playing. She has published inspirational Black western romance and adventure novels, faith-based intrigue, and inspirational poetry. The following titles are her works of literature: Beauford Place, A Love Worth Finding, The Ethiopian Princess and the Cameroon Knight, Mystery in Manalapan, Jade Qi in Angel Eyes, and Poetic Peace. Other works consist of her graphic novels: Atura the Anointed and Jade Qi graphic novels, which feature her comic book characters, illustration, inking, and dialogue skills. She occasionally does some animation. She created Xerzinia, a lovely African-American cut-out collectible figure complete with accessories and apparel designed by Gwandine.
Her initial work was published during grade school.With her background in communications, she has written press releases, news advisories, public service announcements, proclamations, and articles for magazines. She also produced over 50 spiritual television and radio broadcasts as a certified video producer and editor. She presently produces and edits broadcasts via Whole Faith International Bible Channel (W.F.I.B.C.) titled The Preacher.
Although her stories and characters are fictional, African-American cowboys have existed since the dawn of the cowboy era as well as the historical accounts of the vital role that African-American Buffalo Soldiers played in the settlement of the southwest. She is the creator of the African-American cowboy and cowgirl graphic novel (comic book) titled The Black West featuring The Black Indian.
Upon learning that African-American cowboys existed after her initial shock, she became enthusiastic concerning writing Black western stories. It all began with Gwandine desiring to become traditionally published through one of the leading romance novel publishers. She desired to write historical novels and they had it set-up so that she could only submit manuscripts via their African-American section as opposed to their Inspirational Historical section.
Her initial thoughts were, if she wrote about African-Americans historically, she would have to write about slavery. After conducting extensive research, she realized African-Americans made numerous achievements after being emancipated and all-Black western towns actually existed historically. She learned that there were wealthy African-Americans. Although she has enjoyed watching westerns through the years, they lacked the significant presence of African-American cowboys and the vital roles that they played.
After learning the above-referenced and more, she now writes not only romance novels, but western adventure novels. Gwandine also writes contemporary mysteries and suspense as short stories involving her character amateur sleuths: Edgar Byrd Mysteries, Jade Qi Mysteries, Miss Tillie Tipton Tea Cozy Mysteries, Max Golden, and Maxi*Millian Mysteries.
Gwandine served in the U.S. Navy as an Airman and was the first female assigned to an all-male squadron (Patrol Squadron 47) in 1983 and was soon transferred to Patrol Squadron 19 after the U.S. Navy realized that she is a female albeit she clearly indicated that she was female on all of her enlistment documents.
Gwandine is an accomplished artist as she enjoys painting on canvas and digitally to design her book covers. She is also an accomplished figurative sculptress whose work has appeared in several international magazines. She has donated artwork to the National Afro-American Museum and Cultural Center.
About the book
First book of The Black West Adventure, Mystery, and Romance Series
Travel back in time in a fictional place known as Tradassa Town situated in the south during the year 1881 where two people unbeknownst of one another become acquainted under unexpected circumstances. After the death of Mary Ellen’s father Benjamin, she meets Nathan Jonah Hickey who is the hired ranchman of her father’s estate and an attractive singing cowboy known for his genteel mannerism.
Nathan’s love for Mary Ellen Beauford begins the day they meet upon her return to Beauford Place. Being an accomplished woman of color from a wealthy family and a recent college graduate, the austere Mary Ellen tries to show resilience to Nathan’s feelings. This is partially due to the fact that her only example of a good man was her late father who was a successful businessman.
Behind Nathan’s smooth dark complexion and deep brown eyes lies a terrible secret known only by him. If he shares his secret with her, will she be able to handle it? Will it destroy him?
Visit TheBlackWest.com or TheBlackCherokee.com.
Alcatraz The Lost Pearl
About the author
Aleshia Robinson has lived the life of a “vagabond gypsy.” She was born and raised in Chicago but has also lived in Louisiana, Texas, California, Nevada and more recently, Atlanta, Georgia. Once coined a “career student” she FINALLY received her Bachelors of Arts degree in Psychology from the University of Houston after seven and a half years wandering to five universities in three states. Aleshia has worked at least thirty jobs in the past fifteen years including restaurants, hotels/ hostels, yoga studios and background acting in Hollywood film, television and music videos. Always interested in the spiritual world, Aleshia studied the yoga sutras, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, and Universalism before ending her spiritual journey.
Tired of being unfulfilled, confused and unhappy, Aleshia became obsessive compulsive with learning the truth about God and decided to take the plunge and give her life to Christ on August 17, 2007. “I didn’t really believe in Jesus when I got saved. I just figured I’ve tried other religions, why not try Christianity?” Her life has not been the same.
Since her conversion she ministered to sex trafficking teens, traveled on mission trips, graduated Bible College, authored the Love, God & Tattoos series and founded, Authenticity Print, a publishing company intending to awaken souls to the true heart of God.
About the book
Fifteen year old Alcatraz is being chased. Born and raised in a loving family, she suddenly finds herself fending for her life on the streets of Los Angeles. Consumed with anger, hurt and confusion, Alcatraz turns to the spiritual realm to find life's answers. While experimenting with pagan spells, Buddhist chants, and yoga sutras, she continually encounters a spirit who claims He is God. The Truth she learns from this spiritual quest introduces her to the unexpected world of divine healing, acceptance and unconditional love.
For more about Aleshia, visit her website at:
Thugs And Why Women Should Run From Them
About the author
Lucy Dennis dream of being a writer dates back to when she first learned to put words together to form sentences. Now at the age of fifty, she’s finally pursuing that dream. With each awakening day she looks forward to sitting in front of her computer, typing or jotting down thoughts, memories and ideas that, once put together will generate a masterpiece of her writing. Her original text, ‘Thugs and Why Women Should Run From Them,’ is her introduction to the publishing world. By all means, there’s more to come!
About the book
Woman to woman, I wish I would have been more attentive and mom would have stomped her feet a little harder when she saw I wasn’t paying close attention when she spoke about dealing with men and relationships.Now at the age where I probably have more days behind me, than ahead of me and the misadventures I’ve incurred down those years, I’m stomping my feet and asking my beautiful Sisters and Brothers, young and not so young, to just stop and listen for a minute.
No one wants to see their love ones go through complexities, especially those that can be avoided. Most of us hate to say, ‘We told you this was going to happen if…’ but if insightful words continue to fall upon closed ears, ‘He’ll walk, stomp and spit on your feelings.’It is so easy to gain a man’s respect and loyalty. It starts by respecting and being loyal to ourselves, he’ll soon catch on!
Lucy Dennis dream of being a writer dates back to when she first learned to put words together to form sentences. Now at the age of fifty, she’s finally pursuing that dream. With each awakening day she looks forward to sitting in front of her computer, typing or jotting down thoughts, memories and ideas that, once put together will generate a masterpiece of her writing. Her original text, ‘Thugs and Why Women Should Run From Them,’ is her introduction to the publishing world. By all means, there’s more to come!
About the book
Woman to woman, I wish I would have been more attentive and mom would have stomped her feet a little harder when she saw I wasn’t paying close attention when she spoke about dealing with men and relationships.Now at the age where I probably have more days behind me, than ahead of me and the misadventures I’ve incurred down those years, I’m stomping my feet and asking my beautiful Sisters and Brothers, young and not so young, to just stop and listen for a minute.
No one wants to see their love ones go through complexities, especially those that can be avoided. Most of us hate to say, ‘We told you this was going to happen if…’ but if insightful words continue to fall upon closed ears, ‘He’ll walk, stomp and spit on your feelings.’It is so easy to gain a man’s respect and loyalty. It starts by respecting and being loyal to ourselves, he’ll soon catch on!
If Tomorrow Comes and I Am Gone
About the Author
Educator, activist, and entrepreneur, Jordan Trent was born Terra N. Gay on March 10, 1972, in Baltimore, MD.She is the middle child of three girls, born to parents William and Annye Gay. Her family lineage includes a
long line of educators, so it was only natural that she too took her rightful place in the field of education.
However, despite this rich legacy, and Trent’s natural gift to transform the lives of young people, her mother and father gifted her and her sisters with the power of possibility; reminding them that they were limited onlyby their imaginations.
Trent has lived by this critical teaching throughout her life and in April 2011, was empowered to publish her first children’s book, If Tomorrow Comes and I Am Gone. She was inspired to write a book that would help
families and children, who are or have been battling cancer, understand, adjust, and cope with the diagnosis.
The voice of the story’s main character, McKenzie, came to Trent after her own personal breast cancer scare.“Though young and impressionable, children are extremely resilient,” says Trent. “They are able to deconstruct some of the most complex issues, including cancer, and formulate ideas around those issues.
However, as adults, we must provide them with the tools to do so.” For Trent, Tomorrow is one of those tools that will help parents and children adjust to and live with the disease. While cancer is a prominent theme of the book,Tomorrow can be used as a resource for families and children who are facing illness of any kind.
Trent hopes that readers will be inspired, encouraged, and most importantly uplifted by the messages of family unity, love,and courage that Tomorrow provides. Additional motivation came from her two nephews, whose combined first names she used to create her pen name. Of this Trent says, “My breast cancer scare really caused me to think about my legacy and how I will be remembered.” She continues, “Though I have no children of my own, I consider myself a second mother to my
They are my joy. As inheritors of my legacy, I hope Tomorrow will bring them as much pride as they do me.” Trent is currently working on three additional children’s books. Like Tomorrow, each is designed to
help strengthen families and children.
In addition to writing children’s books, Trent’s passion for young people is evident in her extensive 15‐year career as an educator. She is also a certified leadership development trainer and community and youth
advocate. Trent has worked directly with community groups, corporations and local businesses to raise and manage nearly 19 million dollars to support educational initiatives, engagement of AmeriCorps members,
school and technology renovations, and more.
Most recently, she developed The Ngambika Academy (a Kiswahili word pronounced Nam‐bee‐kah, meaning‘help me carry the load’), which is designed to provide a ‘train the trainer’ model and curriculum for volunteers and mentors seeking to create ongoing leadership, service learning, and life skills training for young people.
Before graduating from Emory University, she served in local schools as a mentor and tutor, which led her to over a decade of service with the National Service Movement, via AmeriCorps and VISTA programs.
Post Office Box 2371, Forest Park, GA 30298 • Jordan.Trent1@gmail.com
Trent has partnered with and provided leadership on a variety of corporate projects to include: Jones of New York, national Teacher of the Year teacher/classroom makeover; The Home Depot, national, multimillion dollar
schools and community renovations program; SAP and Xerox, national digital upgrades and digital divide programs; The Coca‐Cola Company, local and national Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Service initiatives; The
Cartoon Network, national PLAY campaign; United Parcel Services (UPS), annual community ‘give back’campaigns; Federal Express (Fed Ex), 100 Black Men of America, and Delta Airlines.
She has trained youth and community members in service and leadership around the country via partnerships with Habitat for Humanity, City Year, KaBoom!, The Magic Johnson Foundation, The Chaka Foundation, Target,
Bank of America, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Jet Blue, Office Depot, The Learning Channel (TLC), and many more.
Trent remains driven by her belief that as young people are encouraged to use their personal journeys,creativity, and talents, they will be better equipped to affect meaningful and lasting change in society. That
coupled with the support of mentors, families, local businesses, and community organizations, generations of young people will in the words of Mohandas K. Gandhi, “. . .be the change [they] wish to see in the world.”
About the book
Every night, young McKenzie travels many places in her dreams. But she always wonders, if tomorrow comes and she is gone, what her mother will miss most. When illness comes to their family, her dreams and inquisitive heart help both she and her mother discover what happens if tomorrow comes and she is gone.
For more information about The Ngambika Academy and/or to request training support, please visit http://www.thengambikaacademy.com/. To purchase copies of If Tomorrow Comes and I Am Gone, please visit www.wix.com/jordantrent/if‐tomorrow‐comes‐i‐am‐gone, Amazon.com, or BarnesandNoble.com.
Both can be found on Facebook and Twitter: Jordan Trent and @JordanTrent1 or @NgambikaAcademy.
For inquiries about speaking engagements, book signings, or other public appearances, please contact Paulette Payne at PaulettePayne.LePubliciste@gmail.com.
About the Author
Educator, activist, and entrepreneur, Jordan Trent was born Terra N. Gay on March 10, 1972, in Baltimore, MD.She is the middle child of three girls, born to parents William and Annye Gay. Her family lineage includes a
long line of educators, so it was only natural that she too took her rightful place in the field of education.
However, despite this rich legacy, and Trent’s natural gift to transform the lives of young people, her mother and father gifted her and her sisters with the power of possibility; reminding them that they were limited onlyby their imaginations.
Trent has lived by this critical teaching throughout her life and in April 2011, was empowered to publish her first children’s book, If Tomorrow Comes and I Am Gone. She was inspired to write a book that would help
families and children, who are or have been battling cancer, understand, adjust, and cope with the diagnosis.
The voice of the story’s main character, McKenzie, came to Trent after her own personal breast cancer scare.“Though young and impressionable, children are extremely resilient,” says Trent. “They are able to deconstruct some of the most complex issues, including cancer, and formulate ideas around those issues.
However, as adults, we must provide them with the tools to do so.” For Trent, Tomorrow is one of those tools that will help parents and children adjust to and live with the disease. While cancer is a prominent theme of the book,Tomorrow can be used as a resource for families and children who are facing illness of any kind.
Trent hopes that readers will be inspired, encouraged, and most importantly uplifted by the messages of family unity, love,and courage that Tomorrow provides. Additional motivation came from her two nephews, whose combined first names she used to create her pen name. Of this Trent says, “My breast cancer scare really caused me to think about my legacy and how I will be remembered.” She continues, “Though I have no children of my own, I consider myself a second mother to my
They are my joy. As inheritors of my legacy, I hope Tomorrow will bring them as much pride as they do me.” Trent is currently working on three additional children’s books. Like Tomorrow, each is designed to
help strengthen families and children.
In addition to writing children’s books, Trent’s passion for young people is evident in her extensive 15‐year career as an educator. She is also a certified leadership development trainer and community and youth
advocate. Trent has worked directly with community groups, corporations and local businesses to raise and manage nearly 19 million dollars to support educational initiatives, engagement of AmeriCorps members,
school and technology renovations, and more.
Most recently, she developed The Ngambika Academy (a Kiswahili word pronounced Nam‐bee‐kah, meaning‘help me carry the load’), which is designed to provide a ‘train the trainer’ model and curriculum for volunteers and mentors seeking to create ongoing leadership, service learning, and life skills training for young people.
Before graduating from Emory University, she served in local schools as a mentor and tutor, which led her to over a decade of service with the National Service Movement, via AmeriCorps and VISTA programs.
Post Office Box 2371, Forest Park, GA 30298 • Jordan.Trent1@gmail.com
Trent has partnered with and provided leadership on a variety of corporate projects to include: Jones of New York, national Teacher of the Year teacher/classroom makeover; The Home Depot, national, multimillion dollar
schools and community renovations program; SAP and Xerox, national digital upgrades and digital divide programs; The Coca‐Cola Company, local and national Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Service initiatives; The
Cartoon Network, national PLAY campaign; United Parcel Services (UPS), annual community ‘give back’campaigns; Federal Express (Fed Ex), 100 Black Men of America, and Delta Airlines.
She has trained youth and community members in service and leadership around the country via partnerships with Habitat for Humanity, City Year, KaBoom!, The Magic Johnson Foundation, The Chaka Foundation, Target,
Bank of America, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Jet Blue, Office Depot, The Learning Channel (TLC), and many more.
Trent remains driven by her belief that as young people are encouraged to use their personal journeys,creativity, and talents, they will be better equipped to affect meaningful and lasting change in society. That
coupled with the support of mentors, families, local businesses, and community organizations, generations of young people will in the words of Mohandas K. Gandhi, “. . .be the change [they] wish to see in the world.”
About the book
Every night, young McKenzie travels many places in her dreams. But she always wonders, if tomorrow comes and she is gone, what her mother will miss most. When illness comes to their family, her dreams and inquisitive heart help both she and her mother discover what happens if tomorrow comes and she is gone.
For more information about The Ngambika Academy and/or to request training support, please visit http://www.thengambikaacademy.com/. To purchase copies of If Tomorrow Comes and I Am Gone, please visit www.wix.com/jordantrent/if‐tomorrow‐comes‐i‐am‐gone, Amazon.com, or BarnesandNoble.com.
Both can be found on Facebook and Twitter: Jordan Trent and @JordanTrent1 or @NgambikaAcademy.
For inquiries about speaking engagements, book signings, or other public appearances, please contact Paulette Payne at PaulettePayne.LePubliciste@gmail.com.
The People in My Head
About the Author
Inda Lauryn is constantly changing the soundtrack of her life. She is the author of three books In Time, The People in My Head and One Last Dance, Little Sister? She will be releasing her next novel, the paranormal tale Blood Tastes Sweet hopefully in late 2011.
Although she has been writing since her childhood, she only recently decided to pursue her first love as a professional endeavor. A lifelong music and movie lover, she frequently cites her favorite artists and films in her work, drawing inspiration as well as exploring their effect on society. She is currently working on a an afro-gothic novel,two fantasy series, a screenplay and two sequels featuring characters found in the work In Time, hoping to contribute to the ever-expanding representations of African-American women in literature.
Feel free to visit the website http://www.conceding2kismet.com/website and http://c2kfantasy.yolasite.com/ to find samples of her work, leave feedback and get to know the Kismet experience.
About the book
A woman learns self-defense while a serial rapist terrorizes a small college town and meets the man of her dreams… or does she? (Shallow)
Two childhood friends come of age overnight when the world around them comes beckoning. (Before Night Ends)
A gigolo meets the ultimate hustler on what he thinks is a typical night out.(The Alaye Agency)
A young man learns his parents’ past as he begins to realize his own faith. (Something Sacred)
A woman and a younger man make a connection at her unusual place of occupation. (Strange Affair)
An office drone becomes a revolutionary in the not-so-distant future. (The Paper Trail)
In a future where dreams can be recorded and used, who will be the ones to suffer?(Black Level Recog)
Inda Lauryn presents The People in My Head, a complete novella and collection of short stories in various genres exploring the experiences of a vast array of African-American women and the people in their lives. Life, love and what the future holds are all subjects included in these sometimes funny and sometimes poignant representations of black women. Readers will either find themselves or explore the lives of others in this wonderful collection of stories.
Inda Lauryn is constantly changing the soundtrack of her life. She is the author of three books In Time, The People in My Head and One Last Dance, Little Sister? She will be releasing her next novel, the paranormal tale Blood Tastes Sweet hopefully in late 2011.
Although she has been writing since her childhood, she only recently decided to pursue her first love as a professional endeavor. A lifelong music and movie lover, she frequently cites her favorite artists and films in her work, drawing inspiration as well as exploring their effect on society. She is currently working on a an afro-gothic novel,two fantasy series, a screenplay and two sequels featuring characters found in the work In Time, hoping to contribute to the ever-expanding representations of African-American women in literature.
Feel free to visit the website http://www.conceding2kismet.com/website and http://c2kfantasy.yolasite.com/ to find samples of her work, leave feedback and get to know the Kismet experience.
.About the book
A woman learns self-defense while a serial rapist terrorizes a small college town and meets the man of her dreams… or does she? (Shallow)
Two childhood friends come of age overnight when the world around them comes beckoning. (Before Night Ends)
A gigolo meets the ultimate hustler on what he thinks is a typical night out.(The Alaye Agency)
A young man learns his parents’ past as he begins to realize his own faith. (Something Sacred)
A woman and a younger man make a connection at her unusual place of occupation. (Strange Affair)
An office drone becomes a revolutionary in the not-so-distant future. (The Paper Trail)
In a future where dreams can be recorded and used, who will be the ones to suffer?(Black Level Recog)
Inda Lauryn presents The People in My Head, a complete novella and collection of short stories in various genres exploring the experiences of a vast array of African-American women and the people in their lives. Life, love and what the future holds are all subjects included in these sometimes funny and sometimes poignant representations of black women. Readers will either find themselves or explore the lives of others in this wonderful collection of stories.
About the Author
New York Times' author Francis Ray is a native Texan and lives in Dallas. INCOGNITO, her sixth title, was the first made-for-TV movie for BET. Her literary fiction series-Taggart and Falcon ,the Invincible Women, Grayson Family, and Grayson Friends have consistently made bestseller's lists, and are enjoyed by readers world-wide. She has written forty-three titles to date.
About the book
When wealthy Texas heiress Rachel Malone defied her powerful father to elope with Logan Prescott, Logan truly believed that their marriage was forever. But that was before a trumped-up assault charge set the whole town—and the woman he loved—against him. With a heart full of pain, Logan fled Stanton—and the bittersweet memories of the passion he and Rachel had shared.
When Rachel met Logan, she thought she'd found the perfect love—until he betrayed her and her family. Now, eight years later, he was back—more arrogant and dangerously seductive than ever. And this time the stakes were higher. For Logan clearly wanted revenge. He also wanted Rachel.
More about Francis Ray:
About the Author
New York Times' author Francis Ray is a native Texan and lives in Dallas. INCOGNITO, her sixth title, was the first made-for-TV movie for BET. Her literary fiction series-Taggart and Falcon ,the Invincible Women, Grayson Family, and Grayson Friends have consistently made bestseller's lists, and are enjoyed by readers world-wide. She has written forty-three titles to date.
About the book
When wealthy Texas heiress Rachel Malone defied her powerful father to elope with Logan Prescott, Logan truly believed that their marriage was forever. But that was before a trumped-up assault charge set the whole town—and the woman he loved—against him. With a heart full of pain, Logan fled Stanton—and the bittersweet memories of the passion he and Rachel had shared.
When Rachel met Logan, she thought she'd found the perfect love—until he betrayed her and her family. Now, eight years later, he was back—more arrogant and dangerously seductive than ever. And this time the stakes were higher. For Logan clearly wanted revenge. He also wanted Rachel.
More about Francis Ray:
God Gave Me This Talent
About the Author
Single Mother, Author, Motivator, Consultant 'I was born for Bestseller Status!" Ms. K Simpson "She is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her" Proverbs 3:15 Ms. Kayundra Simpson was raised in a small town in Arkansas yet her life's journey would take her multiple places in the United States before allowing her to settle in Atlanta, GA. Her journey has been one that not many women, or men, could have made without losing their minds or lives.
However; in order that she could share her God-given talent of easing the pain with words, she had to learn pain. The pain of bearing two beautiful daughters and raising them as a single mother; the pain of losing her mother just before entering adult hood; and assuming the responsibility of her pre- teen sister, while at the same time having to raise her own children; and the pain of losing her paternal grandmother and maternal grandfather, who taught her how a woman should live her life both mentally and spiritually.
Her two daughters are now growing into two wonderful women who reflect their mother's love and spirit for life. Ms. Simpson provides evidence that the sacrifices she has made were worth it in order to give her daughters a life far better than her own. God Gave Me This Talent is the opening to another journey.
About the book
Homeless... that was me, from being in a shelter to sleeping under a bridge, to wondering if I was going to get a meal to eat. I’m not asking for your pity or a hand out. Right now I’m here to teach you, and let you know what my life is about. Some of you know parts of my story others of you don´t. The thing about my story it will have you in tears I´m not going to front. Some of you knew me before, get to know me now God has come into my life, I have so much more to live for. The old me is dead so please let her rest.
Pay close attention, God has his hands on me. You will finally see me at my best.... GOD GAVE ME THIS TALENT Is an Inspirational Poetry Book It will inspire you, make you smile, make you laugh and even make you cry. I cover everything from love to break up and just every day living. This is a must have book....
About the Author
Single Mother, Author, Motivator, Consultant 'I was born for Bestseller Status!" Ms. K Simpson "She is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her" Proverbs 3:15 Ms. Kayundra Simpson was raised in a small town in Arkansas yet her life's journey would take her multiple places in the United States before allowing her to settle in Atlanta, GA. Her journey has been one that not many women, or men, could have made without losing their minds or lives.
However; in order that she could share her God-given talent of easing the pain with words, she had to learn pain. The pain of bearing two beautiful daughters and raising them as a single mother; the pain of losing her mother just before entering adult hood; and assuming the responsibility of her pre- teen sister, while at the same time having to raise her own children; and the pain of losing her paternal grandmother and maternal grandfather, who taught her how a woman should live her life both mentally and spiritually.
Her two daughters are now growing into two wonderful women who reflect their mother's love and spirit for life. Ms. Simpson provides evidence that the sacrifices she has made were worth it in order to give her daughters a life far better than her own. God Gave Me This Talent is the opening to another journey.
About the book
Homeless... that was me, from being in a shelter to sleeping under a bridge, to wondering if I was going to get a meal to eat. I’m not asking for your pity or a hand out. Right now I’m here to teach you, and let you know what my life is about. Some of you know parts of my story others of you don´t. The thing about my story it will have you in tears I´m not going to front. Some of you knew me before, get to know me now God has come into my life, I have so much more to live for. The old me is dead so please let her rest.
Pay close attention, God has his hands on me. You will finally see me at my best.... GOD GAVE ME THIS TALENT Is an Inspirational Poetry Book It will inspire you, make you smile, make you laugh and even make you cry. I cover everything from love to break up and just every day living. This is a must have book....
About the author
Clarressa (Reese) Phillips is a native of Columbus, Ohio. A graduate of the Columbus Public School District, Reese earned associate and bachelor’s degrees in accounting and business administration from Columbus State Community College and Franklin University, respectively. She has spent most of her career in banking and administrative management and has written for local publications. Ms. Phillips is an active member of her church and community and regularly participates in mentoring programs for young girls. She lived in Cleveland, Ohio for several years and currently resides in the suburbs of Atlanta, Georgia with her husband and two children.
"Someone once told me that the place richest in dreams is the cemetery. I believe that with every day we live, we have an opportunity to pursue our dreams and utilize our God given gifts and talents. I refuse to be buried with dreams still in me and having never attempted to make them come true. So, as I pursue my dream of sharing my imagination and thoughts through writing, I invite you to join me on my adventure and encourage you, too, to pursue your dreams."
About the book
In her much anticipated debut novel, Reese introduces us to Harmony Stiles, a young woman navigating through her college years as she tries to put her troubled past to rest. This gripping tale of family struggles, friendship challenges, relationship trials, and questionable faith will take you on an emotional ride and leave you wanting more of Harmony and more from this exciting new author!
More about the author: wwww.reesephillipsonline.com
About the author
Clarressa (Reese) Phillips is a native of Columbus, Ohio. A graduate of the Columbus Public School District, Reese earned associate and bachelor’s degrees in accounting and business administration from Columbus State Community College and Franklin University, respectively. She has spent most of her career in banking and administrative management and has written for local publications. Ms. Phillips is an active member of her church and community and regularly participates in mentoring programs for young girls. She lived in Cleveland, Ohio for several years and currently resides in the suburbs of Atlanta, Georgia with her husband and two children.
"Someone once told me that the place richest in dreams is the cemetery. I believe that with every day we live, we have an opportunity to pursue our dreams and utilize our God given gifts and talents. I refuse to be buried with dreams still in me and having never attempted to make them come true. So, as I pursue my dream of sharing my imagination and thoughts through writing, I invite you to join me on my adventure and encourage you, too, to pursue your dreams."
About the book
In her much anticipated debut novel, Reese introduces us to Harmony Stiles, a young woman navigating through her college years as she tries to put her troubled past to rest. This gripping tale of family struggles, friendship challenges, relationship trials, and questionable faith will take you on an emotional ride and leave you wanting more of Harmony and more from this exciting new author!
More about the author: wwww.reesephillipsonline.com
What Happened To Suzy
About the Author
Carol Denise Mitchell(1955-) was born the sixth of sixteen children to Zebbie and Tasceaie Charles, in Los Angeles, California. In 1977 the author moved to the Bay Area to launch an impressive 30-year writing career. She wrote "What Happened to Suzy," winning praise for its' message of healing and hope. Carol was also featured in the Oakland Post Newspaper.
April, 2009 The Celebration of Women Writers recognized her impressive writing contributions and inducted her into the prestigious author database. Ms Mitchell's new book is Michael Jackson, The Love He Saved. The new title has sold here and internationally. Buyers in Australia and Italy have favored Mitchell's books as they are written to attract a growing spectrum of interested readers throughout the country and abroad.
About the book
This is a fictional book based on actual facts. The names and locations are changed to protect others. It is the story of a family and the abuse that the children had to live through and how one learned that in time wounds heal.
Suzy (Carol Denise Brown) was the 6th child out of 16 children born by her mother who was of mixed heritage and a father who very seldom lived at the home. For the time she was born her mother seem to hate her more than any of the other children. When their mother worked their older brother had the responsibility to watch over them. He only knew one way. He mistreated them at times worse than their own mother did. Suzy live her life in constant abuse, not only from her own family but from her classmates at school. Until she finally learned with age to heal mind and body from the years of torment, mental and physical abuse that she suffered through. So “What Happened To Suzy” She excelled, She became strong, She is a beautiful person inside and out.
As I read this book I wondered to myself, how did she live through it, where is the child protective services when at schools they see a child bruised and battered and half starved to death. How she managed to suffer day after day without running away to get away from her home. There is no child whether they be white, black, any nationality or of a mixed race that deserves to live under that kind of abuse. I believe everybody needs to read this book. Teens just as well as adults and maybe just maybe some of the abuse that goes on today can be stopped before its to late for the next one named Suzy.
Author's Official Website: www.whathappenedtosuzy.com
About the Author
Carol Denise Mitchell(1955-) was born the sixth of sixteen children to Zebbie and Tasceaie Charles, in Los Angeles, California. In 1977 the author moved to the Bay Area to launch an impressive 30-year writing career. She wrote "What Happened to Suzy," winning praise for its' message of healing and hope. Carol was also featured in the Oakland Post Newspaper.
April, 2009 The Celebration of Women Writers recognized her impressive writing contributions and inducted her into the prestigious author database. Ms Mitchell's new book is Michael Jackson, The Love He Saved. The new title has sold here and internationally. Buyers in Australia and Italy have favored Mitchell's books as they are written to attract a growing spectrum of interested readers throughout the country and abroad.
About the book
This is a fictional book based on actual facts. The names and locations are changed to protect others. It is the story of a family and the abuse that the children had to live through and how one learned that in time wounds heal.
Suzy (Carol Denise Brown) was the 6th child out of 16 children born by her mother who was of mixed heritage and a father who very seldom lived at the home. For the time she was born her mother seem to hate her more than any of the other children. When their mother worked their older brother had the responsibility to watch over them. He only knew one way. He mistreated them at times worse than their own mother did. Suzy live her life in constant abuse, not only from her own family but from her classmates at school. Until she finally learned with age to heal mind and body from the years of torment, mental and physical abuse that she suffered through. So “What Happened To Suzy” She excelled, She became strong, She is a beautiful person inside and out.
As I read this book I wondered to myself, how did she live through it, where is the child protective services when at schools they see a child bruised and battered and half starved to death. How she managed to suffer day after day without running away to get away from her home. There is no child whether they be white, black, any nationality or of a mixed race that deserves to live under that kind of abuse. I believe everybody needs to read this book. Teens just as well as adults and maybe just maybe some of the abuse that goes on today can be stopped before its to late for the next one named Suzy.
Author's Official Website: www.whathappenedtosuzy.com
The Sun in Her Eyes
About the author
Camry Moore is a 15 year old sophomore and honor student at Hillsborough High School in Tampa, FL. She was born on April 17th, 1995 to Earl and Cherrie Moore. The youngest of five, she began writing short stories and poems in fifth grade at the age of nine. Even at that young age she was able to write incredibly descriptive stories. Her teachers, family and friends were amazed at her gift to pull readers in with her writing. She prides herself in being spiritually and morally grounded and hopes to be an inspiration for her generation and many more to come.
About the book
Sunny Newton is a musically talented, beautiful girl with a bright future ahead of her. But after the one boy she wholeheartedly trusted, suddenly dumps her, she drowns herself in sorrow. She finds herself losing the desire to do the things that once made her the girl that she was. Her music, her future and her life are no longer of any importance to her.
Then, she accidentally meets Collin. A charming photographer who’s been hurt in a way that she couldn’t even imagine and yet smiling seems to come easy for him. Collin is ready and willing to save Sunny from herself.
All she has to do is let him…
A fast paced story of love and lost filled with romance, comedy, drama and plenty of dialogue.
About the author
Camry Moore is a 15 year old sophomore and honor student at Hillsborough High School in Tampa, FL. She was born on April 17th, 1995 to Earl and Cherrie Moore. The youngest of five, she began writing short stories and poems in fifth grade at the age of nine. Even at that young age she was able to write incredibly descriptive stories. Her teachers, family and friends were amazed at her gift to pull readers in with her writing. She prides herself in being spiritually and morally grounded and hopes to be an inspiration for her generation and many more to come.
About the book
Sunny Newton is a musically talented, beautiful girl with a bright future ahead of her. But after the one boy she wholeheartedly trusted, suddenly dumps her, she drowns herself in sorrow. She finds herself losing the desire to do the things that once made her the girl that she was. Her music, her future and her life are no longer of any importance to her.
Then, she accidentally meets Collin. A charming photographer who’s been hurt in a way that she couldn’t even imagine and yet smiling seems to come easy for him. Collin is ready and willing to save Sunny from herself.
All she has to do is let him…
A fast paced story of love and lost filled with romance, comedy, drama and plenty of dialogue.
Picture Perfect
About the author
Lakia is an accomplished writer and educator with a heart for love and relationships. She's written for Gospel Today and has freelanced for top national magazines such as Upscale! As an educator, she is devoted to building healthy relationships in and out of the classroom where she teaches and mentors 7th grade boys. Her rapport and unique approach to teaching her “distinguished gentlemen of purpose” earned her a nomination for Teacher of the Year. Lakia has a Bachelors degree in Professional English and a Masters in Educational Leadership. She's happily married and is the mother of a beautiful little girl.
About the book
Picture This…A Happily Ever After Story Framed by You!
What is your perception of marriage? Did you grow up believing that marriages came from a fantasy world of bliss? Did you realize that someone told you a tall tale when you woke up from dreamland? In a true story, Lakia shares her personal journey on redefining how she viewed marriage and the love shared in it. Her perception of marriage was soiled by the fantasy of the wedding day not to mention the many marriages that had “gone bad.” But through her very own once upon a time story, she was able to create a picture perfect marriage based on imperfections. Do you desire to have bliss, love, and happiness in your marriage? You no longer have to fantasize about it…you just simply have to create it to be your reality.
You will discover how:
· Perceptions of marriage are flawed due to other peoples’ relationships and experiences.
· Developing a clear purpose for getting married will redefine your own views on marriage.
· To embrace your imperfections and those of your potential spouse to create a picture perfect marriage.
· Creating your happily ever after marriage can be a reality!
The Games People Play
About the author
CJ Domino is a native of Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
The 41 year old, divorced mother of two is a graduate of Southern and Tulane Universities, where she majored in psychology and social work respectively. A proud member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., Domino is currently pursuing her Ph.D. in Psychology.
With a lot of faith and little funds, CJ self published her first manuscript, Sideline Ho, which went on to become a best seller. Set in Baton Rouge, this shocking, in your face novel, takes a look at domestic violence and infidelity in the African-American community. Taking a different approach for her second book, but still covering a major social concern, emotional abuse, Who Does She Think She Is? A Girlfriend’s Guide to Surviving a Breakup Before She Has a Breakdown hit bookshelves in June, 2009. In October, 2010 she released the highly anticipated follow up to Sideline Ho, The Games People Play which tells the story of a glorified trophy wife who is fed up with living the glamorous life.
In addition to writing, Domino is the proud owner of Shero Productions, LLC, a service oriented business designed to help women make positive life changes. Considered an expert in the area of women issues and trauma, Domino is also a highly sought after public speaker. With a bestselling novel under her belt and a booming career, this amazing sister is truly one to watch!
About the book
When people look at my life this is what they see, a picture perfect couple living fabulously. But behind closed door it’s another story as I struggle to maintain this status quo glory. With bitches on my left and ho’s on my right, it’s a constant fight trying to remain a glamorous trophy wife. Sex, lies and alibis keep us together, but what’s done in the dark will never last forever.
Meet Mercedes Barone, the beautiful wife of a former NBA All-Star. To the world she has it made, living high off of life, but as you read along you’ll soon learn that walking in her three-inch heels is no easy task. From her backstabbing relatives to her husband’s baby mama’s, what really happens when a ride or die vixen is fed up with the drama?
For more information visit: www.cjdomino.com
About the author
Raynesha Pittman grew up in South Central, LA and is currently residing in GA with her husband and four children. She grew up as one of LA’s many troubled youth, gang banging at 13 years old, shooting dice, smoking marijuana and even attempted to follow her father’s footsteps becoming a solicitor of woman before she became a women herself. Rebelling against her mother lead her into serving four years around Los Angeles juvenile corrections centers, placements, and camps. One thing she had during her troubled years besides a hustle and street smarts was book smarts, her ticket out of the hands of correctional facilities. She was an honor student since kindergarten, was certified gifted in the third grade, and was bused to Woodland hills, CA for a more challenging education, yet she had to be placed in honors classes there too. Her fighting got her kicked out of the enriched schools but that didn’t stop her.
She graduated high school a month after turning 16 years old and received acceptance letters to five out-of-state universities which she later declined offers to due to still being on probation until 18 years of age and not being able to leave the state. California State University at Los Angeles and Northridge accepted her last minute application with open arms. After attending school for a little over a semester she discovered she was pregnant and decided to put her role as a mother first and get rid of the street life style all together.
Once she moved to TN, Raynesha received her PTCB national certification in July 2010 after 3 1/2 years of being a licensed Pharmacy technician. It was while working in a pharmacy she met Michael Antonio of Payne Publishing, Inc., who encouraged her to write a book. She took his opinion to heart and wrote “Kismet, book one of the Beyond the bedroom series” an Drama touched with erotica which was released October 18, 2010 under Payne Publishing Inc. and now re-released March 21, 2011 under her own publishing company Conglomerate Ink.
About the book
Kis·met noun, often capitalized \?kiz-?met, -m?t\ : A predetermined or unavoidable destiny. It is not identical to Karma, with Karma you get back what you dish out. Fate is not that friendly. Savannah James, a successful, revenge seeking entrepreneur who hasn't forgotten the feeling of growing into adulthood poor or all the drama and hurt that came along with it plans the perfect plot to avenge her past that is fueled on the "What goes around, comes around" theory also known as Karma . What happens when you take Karma into your own hands and seek revenge by methods of SEX, LIES, DECEPTION and SEDUCTION? Fate steps in, Knocks you off your high horse while your feet rest comfortably in the stirrups of satisfaction and drags you back to the reality that you are not in control!
"Kismet" the first book of the Beyond the Bedroom series, a collection of Dramrotica (Drama/Erotica) will leave its readers fantasizing about sexual possibilities, exploring and rediscovering personal pleasures, reconsidering seeking revenge and leaving it in the hands of fate. New Authoress Raynesha Pittman has penned a clear and sexy definition between Karma and Kismet and will leave you wanting more.
More information: raynesha_pittman@yahoo.com
Different Cultures. One World. Women's Voices from South Yorkshire
About the author
Tchiyiwe Thandiwe Chihana
I was born in Braford, England in May, 1978 to Zambian parents. My formative years were lived in Zambia. I live in Sheffield, South Yorkshire
I am a co-founder and the Campaigns and Policy Officer for DEWA Project (Development and Empowerment for Women's Advancement). I also serve as Trustee and Women's Group Co-ordinator in Rotherham. At regional level, I am a panelist of the Northern Social Forum and was in the committe that developed and launched the 'Why Refugee Women?' charter for Yorkshire and Humber. I blog on twitter as AfriWoman and own http://www.afriwomen.blogspot.com/.
Having witnessed VAW as a child, I decided at an early age that my life commitment would be to stand up with and for my fellow women. This passion drove me to take an interest in various aspects of women's well being and I became aware of issues relating to sex trafficking, girl child education and the various systems that uphold the subjugation of women. In 1995, I swept in the wind of the Beijing Conference on Women. A school going child myself, I identified with matters around the promotion of Girl Child Education and spent the rest of that year being actively involved in debates that argued for its prioritisation. I consider this to be the year that my involvement in women's issues took a career turn.
About the book
Different Cultures. One World. Women's Voices from South Yorkshire is a collection of contributions from women of various backgrounds living in South Yorkshire. Each contribution is an inspiring real life story, poem or recipe. To this rich collection, I have contributed 'A Woman's Worth?' which is an account of my witnessing domestic violence as a child. My story recounts the effects that domestic violence has had on me both as a child and as an adult. I discuss how my childhood experiences have shaped my activist work around Violence Against Women (VAW). I also question the 'taboos' and silences around VAW and the justification for its practice in our communities.
The story is supported by statistics of domestic violence and gives information on the support services available to children living in abusive homes and also to women who are victims of violence in the United Kingdom. The book is available for immediate purchase from http://dewaproject.wordpress.com/one-world-different-cultures/
Different Cultures. One World. Women's Voices from South Yorkshire,
Tchiyiwe Thandiwe Chihana
Being Bliss: A Guidebook for Wholeness, Health and Joy
Author the Author
Indigo Ocean is the founder of the Phone Buddies Emotional Support Community and the former host of the Together in Spirit radio show. She holds an MA in Integral Counseling Psychology, a holistic form of psychotherapy that addresses the spiritual and energetic aspects of psychological health, and is a Reiki Master and Johrei practitioner who has helped hundreds of people transform their lives through intensive 1-hour energy healing sessions. She has served on the Board of a number of non-profits over the years and currently lives in the San Francisco Bay Area where she runs a small business helping businesses and non-profit organizations increase their success.
About the book
Being Bliss: A Guidebook for Wholeness, Health and Joy, was inspired when the author received a false medical diagnosis that made her fear for her life. The clarity that she developed during the 3 months it took to verify that she was not in fact imperiled was that if she was going to leave this world soon, she didn't want to leave without having shared the fruits of her own path of suffering and triumph over suffering with others.
Indigo Ocean began life in difficult circumstances and attempted suicide the first time when she was only 9 years old. Through spiritual study and practice she was able to transform a life of utter despair into a life guided and infused by the bliss of our true inner nature. Too often African-Americans are taught that life is about victimhood and powerlessness. Suffering is held up almost as if a noble ideal.
Though there has been a great deal of suffering in the history of our people, there has also been a great deal of inner strength, beauty and joy. Being Bliss is a guidebook for amplifying that triumpth in our lives so that it becomes the dominant story, allowing us to finally be free to create the lives of sweetness we choose for ourselves, instead of being limited to the lives of bitterness that those who have hated us would wish to limit us to.
Being Bliss is a book of stories and techniques that will help you learn from the author's experiences and training with confirmation that miracles do happen, that no matter how bad things are you can change your life by changing your choices, that many of these techniques can be easily learned and grown into skills, and that out of the many tools presented, there will be one that will have a powerfully transformative effect for you if diligently practiced.
The book is available both in paperback and on Kindle and other ebook formats. The most recent edition is the ebook version available at www.amazon.com/dp/B004BA52PI and www.smashwords.com/books/view/30008 and it is the author's preference that readers purchase this updated edition whenever possible.
About the author
Sherry Michelle was born and raised in Miami, Fl. She is currently residing in East Atlanta, GA. She started writing one day while working a concierge security desk job and what started off as just something to do to pass time, quickly developed into a strong passion for her. Writing gave her a new outlook on life and provided her with a broader perspective of her capabilities. With a vivid imagination, some personal sacrifices, and creativity, she worked diligently to create a page turning fictional adult novel.
Working to maintain a normal living and provide for her family, often her manuscript was put onto the back burner. But after a couple of years of not writing, it was the encouragement and positive feedback from her friends and family that motivated Sherry to pick up where she left off and finally complete her novel. Convinced that she had a bestseller-filled with drama, suspense, and erotic sexual tension, Sherry Michelle stepped out on faith and self- published Chaos.
About the book
When Danielle’s married boyfriend Malik suggests a ménage trio, sex, lies, and betrayal prove to be the perfect ingredients for chaos. The rules were set and both parties agreed that this would be a one-time affair; that was until Danielle wanted more. With an uncanny craving to touch, feel, and taste a woman, she found herself breaking all the rules as she continued a secret relationship with Ariel; the woman she befriended online for the purpose of the ménage trio.
Wanting to deny her newfound sexuality and keep to the promises she made to Malik, Danielle abruptly ends her secret affair with Ariel. But shortly after ending the affair, crippled by her desires, Danielle finds herself living a double life. Blissfully happy with her new love interest Alexis Roberts (Lexy), Danielle is soon torn between the woman who loves her unconditionally and the man she would never exclusively have.
Realizing her needs and wants couldn’t be fulfilled by one person, but two separate entities; she chooses who she needs over who she wants. With her mind made up to be monogamous with Lexy, Danielle finds herself with an unplanned pregnancy. Disapproving, Malik strongly suggests that her only option was to have an abortion. But when Danielle fails to go through with it, things turn for the worst.
Named as the primary suspect after Danielle is gruesomely attacked, Malik's financial status proves to be more substantial than any hard-core evidence presented against him. Hearts are broken and lives are destroyed as Danielle takes justice into her own hands. With the bang of the judge's gavel after the juror’s deliberation, Malik's sentence is rendered; except not by the presiding judge, but by Danielle Cyrus herself.
More about Sherry Michelle:
She Shall Stand
About the author
Hortense Duarma Grimes is the founder of Do It For Christ Ministry, an outreach for spiritual motivation and rehabilitation. She is a prolific writer, faith-based motivational speaker, author and evangelist. Ms. Grimes is a native of Liberia, West Africa and a former resident of Charles County, Maryland. After twenty-one years residing in the United States, God in His perfect holiness completed that phase. The Lord instructed her to return to her native Africa and work for Him to fulfill the Vision of that ministry: constructing spiritual retreat centers in the four corners of Africa. She is currently in transition. She can be contacted via her web site at www.doitforchrist.org.
About the book
This book delivers a message of hope and encouragement for everyday living. One ordinary woman answers a divine calling and embarks on a significant mission for Christ. Read this remarkable story and joyous testimony of the unending capacity of God's grace and love.
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Twitter @authorpromotion
About the author
Hortense Duarma Grimes is the founder of Do It For Christ Ministry, an outreach for spiritual motivation and rehabilitation. She is a prolific writer, faith-based motivational speaker, author and evangelist. Ms. Grimes is a native of Liberia, West Africa and a former resident of Charles County, Maryland. After twenty-one years residing in the United States, God in His perfect holiness completed that phase. The Lord instructed her to return to her native Africa and work for Him to fulfill the Vision of that ministry: constructing spiritual retreat centers in the four corners of Africa. She is currently in transition. She can be contacted via her web site at www.doitforchrist.org.
About the book
This book delivers a message of hope and encouragement for everyday living. One ordinary woman answers a divine calling and embarks on a significant mission for Christ. Read this remarkable story and joyous testimony of the unending capacity of God's grace and love.
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For Ladies Only: Dedicate to the Color Pink
About the author
Ayin M. Adams makes her home in Maui, Hawai`i, where rainbows are plenty and sunsets looks like sunrises. She travels throughout the United States reading and lecturing. For Ladies Only: Dedicated to the Color Pink is Ayin M. Adams fourth book of poetry, following the acclaimed, The Woods Deep Inside Me and her historic ground-breaking book: African Americans In Hawai`i: A Search For Identity.
Ayin M. Adams is an award-winning poet whose work has been published in magazines and numerous anthologies including, “Bum Rush The Page” a Defjam Poetry Publication. She has edited four poetry volumes for her students, including “Graffiti Dreams.” Ayin M. Adams is the winner of the Pat Parker Poetry Prize, The Audre Lorde Memorial Prose Prize, and the Zora Neale Hurston/Richard Wright Award. .
About the book
For Ladies Only: Dedicate to the Color Pink
… slowly one (of them) grew larger
sickness embedded
like journalists in war
hard as an orange, clean as a bald head
while the other twin remained untouched
unscathed by the hostile legions of contamination
that grew next to the heart we once called home.
The griefs of my own lie heavy in my breasts!
.More information:
Books are available from bookstores or directly from Pacific Raven Press at www.pacificravenpress.com and www.ayinadams.com
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